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Certificate in Biblical Studies

Certificate in Biblical Studies is the first phase of our Diploma in Ministry program. This phase is designed to help you develop a comprehensive knowledge of both the Old and New Testaments, with an emphasis in biblical interpretation. You will study the Bible, learn about the basic principles of interpretation, as well as develop the tools to integrate biblical knowledge with contemporary world issues and events. This phase comprises of four (4) courses:


  • BIB001 - Christian Basics

  • BIB002 - Hermeneutics

  • BIB003 - Old Testament Survey

  • BIB004 - New Testament Survey

Certificate in Christian Ministry Leadership

Certificate in Christian Ministry Leadership is the second phase of our Diploma in Ministry program. This phase is designed to help you gain more knowledge of the Christian Faith and increase your effectiveness in ministering to others. You will study the basic principles of building a vital, sustainable and reproducible close personal walk with God, with some emphasis in evangelism, missions, and the principles of the kingdom of God. This phase comprises of four (4) courses:


  • MIN001 - Spiritual Life 101

  • MIN002 - Evangelism & Missions

  • MIN003 - Homiletics

  • MIN004 - Kingdom Studies

Certificate in Christian Apologetics & Theology

Certificate in Christian Apologetics and Theology is the third phase of our Diploma in Ministry program. This phase is designed to deepen your knowledge about God and His word and to equip you with adequate knowledge and skill to constructively defend the faith. You will learn biblical worldview, cultural analysis, and basic principles of presenting the gospel in a way that shows its plausibility and addresses the common objections, as well as common heretic practices.This phase comprises of four (4) courses:


  • THE001 - Theology I

  • THE002 - Theology II

  • THE003 - Basic Apologetics

  • THE004 - Integrated Apologetics

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This foundation course focuses on some of the most basic truths of the Christian faith, as taught in the Bible, for guiding Christian belief and behavior. You will learn these truths, find where they are taught, and grow in your ability to state them clearly and briefly to others.



This course will give you an introduction to the process of investigating the meaning and significance of biblical texts. The general, historical, literary, and contextual principles of interpreting texts will be investigated and a wide variety of special issues in hermeneutics will be considered.



This course examines the historical writings of the Old Testament, focusing on the stories of God's dealings with Israel in preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. The course also shows some applications for contemporary Christian living and preaching.



This course involves reading the entire New Testament. It also considers the historical background, theme development, and theological contribution of the New Testaments books as well as critical learning from the early Church in lifestyle and ministerial conduct.



This course is aimed at raising believers whose lives are marked by a growing hunger after God Himself. Men who are eager for spiritual realities, and will not be put off with words. This course will guide you into having the manifest presence of God in your personal life and ministry.



This course looks at mighty things the Holy Spirit does in the thought, work, and practice of presenting God's grace to others through evangelism and provides practical guidance for witnessing and biblical teaching about salvation.



This course will introduce you to the basic principles of personal preparation for a life of ministry service, as well as the principles of preparing and delivering relevant Biblical sermons. The aim of this course is to help you understand what is required to preach effectively, and to guide you in practicing what you have understood.



This course teaches principles of God's Kingdom. Studying this course will give you a thorough understanding of the value, equality, significance and purpose of mankind. You will discover the Creator's divine motivation, design and mandate for His creation, and your individual unique role in that creation.



This course will increase your knowledge of God and His Word. At the end of this course, you will be able to adequately describe specific theological doctrines and topics, and the various interconnections between elements of Christian theology.



This is a continuation of Theology I. This course will introduce you to key doctrines, methods, and tasks of Christian theology, with emphasis on the attributes of God, as taught in the Bible.



This course will introduce you to basic issues in Apologetics (defending and contending for the faith). You will learn Biblical worldview, cultural analysis, and presenting the gospel in a way that shows its plausibility.



This course brings together all the schools of thought in the field and practice of Apologetics. You will be exposed to the analysis of the different techniques used against the Christian faith, and learn how to effectively refute them.


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Tel: +63 995 395 4803


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