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  • Rev. Temiloluwa Aliu

The Raging Sea

You must have heard these words before: “THE STORMS OF LIFE”. Yes, the Earth is indeed a raging sea full of violent storms… great and boisterous winds are blowing. These winds are contrary! The sea keeps getting rougher, and men are being distressed by the waves. Countless men have drowned in the storms of life while they strived to to cross to the other side. Life is all about the survival of the fittest! Let’s take a look at what different men do when the storms of life arise:

While Jonah was on his way to Tarshish sailing away from the presence of the Lord, Bible says there arose a violent storm in the sea; the ship was in danger of being broken, so the goods in the ship were thrown into the sea. Bible says “but Jonah had gone into the inmost parts of the ship, where he was stretched out in a deep sleep”. (Jonah 1: 4-5). Here, Jonah was the problem in the ship, but he was deeply asleep in the deepest parts, while the goods were being wasted. The shame was retained at the expense of the glory!(Habakkuk. 2: 16) On another occasion, Peter was walking on the sea at the bid of the master, but when saw the wind boisterous, Bible says “He was afraid; and beginning to sink” (Matt. 14:30). Here, Jesus invited Peter to come, but even at that, fear drowned him. The true definition of fear: False Evidences Appearing Real! What the devil can get you afraid of is his joker against you. This was what Job realized when he said- “that which I fear comes upon me; that which I am afraid of comes to me”. (Job 3: 25) Mark recorded an encounter of the disciples with the storms, he said “they were struggling at rowing, for the wind was (contrary) against them” (Mark 6:48) When the wind is contrary, it is not the time to struggle; It is time to allow God to move on your behalf! For by strength shall no man prevail. A mighty man is not delivered by great strength, therefore, let not the strong man glory in his strength. But Glory ye in His holy name: Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. (1Sam. 2:9, Ps. 33:16, Jer. 9:23, 1 Chr. 16:10) Acts 27: 7-8 “And when we had put to sea, the winds were contrary. Passing it with difficulty, we came to a place called fair havens. Here, Paul, the Apostle, was a prisoner; This is what happens when the anointing is restricted; what should be done with ease is achieved with great difficulties. You see, the trials of life you shall find heavy, but the anointing will make them light. Isaiah 10:26 says, “The burden shall be taken off your shoulder, and the yoke off your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed by the reason of the anointing. While the disciples of Jesus were on their way to Capernaum, John records that the sea was getting rough, because a great wind was blowing; then they willingly received him Jesus into the boat, and immediately, the boat was at the land; where they were going! (John 6: 18, 21)… Just like that! Without struggle! Why? Because they willingly received Jesus. Beloved, this is God’s promise, “When you pass through the storms of life, I will be with you, and through great waters, you shall not drown; from thence will I bring you into a wealthy place. (Is. 43:2, Ps. 66:12). See, if only you will receive Jesus into your own life, what others struggle to get, you will get with ease because what you cannot do for yourself, Jesus will do for you. The disciples willingly received Jesus into the boat, will you also willingly receive Jesus into your life to be your personal Lord and savior? Please say this short Prayer Finally, let’s take a look at what Jesus did when he encountered the storms. Matthew 14: 24-25 says, “The boat was now in the middle of the sea, distressed by the waves; for the winds were contrary. And Jesus came unto them, Walking on the sea! This is incredible! Mind you, before he did this, Jesus went up by himself to pray. He was there alone with God! (Matt. 14:23) If you want to experience the incredible in life, you must build a strong prayer life, and a solid personal relationship with God. You must learn to go by yourself to God, alone… Develop intimacy with God!

The Lord reigns! He is clothed with majesty. The Lord is clothed with strength; Power is the cord of his robe. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of great waters, Yes, he is stronger than the great waves of the sea. (Ps. 93: 1, 4) He rules over the sea in storm; When its waves are troubled, he makes them calm. (Ps. 89:9) The way of the Lord is in the wind and the storm. (Jonah 1:3)

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