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Our Call

Chiamaka Ibeji

I have met a number of people who claim to have given their lives to Christ but have no relationship with Him or worse still, they don’t even know Him. Is that even possible? How can you say your life belongs to someone and the person is not even involved in it?

I believe that after the call to salvation, the next call is that of intimacy. This call to intimacy is a call to friendship and closeness with God. And it is a journey that should start the day you say yes to Jesus. On this journey you get to know God for yourself, are able to recognize His voice and live for Him.

My Spiritual Father, Rev’d Temilolu Aliu once taught about three categories of people. The first category are those who know the Lord “our” God. The next are those who know the Lord “thy” God and lastly those who know the Lord “my” God.

The best category to belong to is knowing the Lord “my” God. Yes, there is a place for knowing God through the testimonies and life of others. But honestly the best thing that can happen to a Christian is to know and experience God for himself.

James 4:8 tells us that as we draw near to God, He draws near to us. Normally we should not even get this offer from God but for the sacrifice of Jesus which bridged the gap between God and man. Now every one who believes in their heart and confesses with their mouth that Jesus is Lord has equal access to God. I want to emphasize the word “equal” here.

There is no one person who is granted more access to God than you have been granted. It is how you take advantage of this access that will determine how much of God you will know and experience.

God in His loving kindness does not leave us unguided here. He knows that even with this free access it is not humanly possible for a person to successfully reach Him. This was why after He took His Son Jesus Christ back to heaven, He sent us His very own Spirit to guide us. And at salvation we receive the Holy Spirit.

You can’t walk on the road of intimacy with God without sailing on the wings of His Spirit.

As you study your Bible, the holy Spirit reveals God to you. He makes the words come alive in your heart (1 Cor 2:10). When you pray the Holy Spirit makes intercession for you and helps you to pray in God’s will (Romans 8:26-27). We are also instructed to worship in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24).

Studying the Word, spending time in prayer and worship are three main activities a believer who seeks to know God personally must be actively and consistently engaged in. And we see that we need the help of the Spirit in all three.

If you read the bible without His guidance, it is no different from you reading a historical novel. When we pray in the Spirit we don’t pray amiss and we are in direct communication with God. Worship is a lifestyle that should ooze out of you twenty four-seven and the indwelling Spirit makes this possible as much as you heed to Him.

Having read thus far and you think you need the help of the Holy Spirit. You only have to ask Him, talk to Him like you would a friend but with reverence. He is ever willing to help out, I mean he was sent to be a Helper. However, there is work to do on your end, you have to open up your spirit to Him and allow Him guide you. Obey Him, trust Him and submit to Him totally. God said in Genesis 6:3 that His Spirit will not contend or strive with man.

Like I mentioned earlier, its a journey and every one travels on this road at his or her own pace. And the Holy Spirit is willing to patiently guide you through at your pace as much as you will cooperate with Him.

I also am on this journey of intimacy with God and I can testify that it is an awesome one. I know the lord “my” God. I have seen Him work in my life and come through for me. I have watched as he delivered the answers to my prayers and held back some answers for my ultimate good. I have listened to His reproof, words of love and instructions.

I am not there yet, in fact far from it (lol) but If someone comes to me now and tries to convince me that God is not real, I will not be shaken because I have tasted and seen that my God is good and very real. I know Him and I'm still getting to know Him.

We all have equal access, maximize yours! God help us all.


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