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Regrets or Lessons

Happiness Boms

Life is full of lessons no doubts and what you make out of life is what you sure get in return.

Recently, I learnt "Everyone has a limit and yes, if you take for granted what you have on hand, it will be taken away from you when you least expect it"

Can we talk about the parable of the servants with the talents(Matthew 25:14-30)?

How three servants were given a specific amount of talents each and then what happened?

The one who had five and the one who had two made a surplus of what they had. Ask me why? Because they knew and were very much aware of how valuable the talents entrusted to them were.

Whereas, the one with just a talent just buried his (lol) and when the master came around what did he do? He took it away from him and gave it to the one with five.

People, when you carelessly handle those things or talents given to you for one reason(s) or another, be rest assured that it will be taken away from you when you and the thing or talents least expect it.

Back to the topic's Question; what do you choose? Regrets or Lessons?

I will go for LESSONS!

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