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Body Inspiration

Rev. Temiloluwa Aliu

For I would not, brethren, That you should be ignorant of these mysteries (Rom 11:25) 1. The size of a man’s heart is about the size of his clenched fist.

Now, the clenched fist of a man is the symbol of his power. This means a man cannot perform beyond the quality of his heart… A man out of good treasures of the heart brings forth good things and vice versa (Matt. 12:35). Therefore, guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs forth the issues of life (Prov. 4:23).

The ear and the eye are at the same level on the head. This means what you see (experience) is parallel to what you hear… No man can live beyond the level of his faith (Heb. 10:38), and faith cometh by hearing! (Rom 10:17). If you don’t like what you are seeing in life, change what and/or how you are hearing. So, take heed what you hear (Mark 4:24) and take heed how you hear (Luke 8:18). 2. The leg of a man is as long as his hand.

This means how far you will go in life is determined by how well you put your hands to profitable work… Have you seen a man diligent in his work? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men (Prov. 22:29), even faith without works is dead (James 2:17), Man is justified by works, not by faith only (James 2:24). Hence, don’t be slothful (sluggish, lazy, lax, slack…) in your work (Rom. 12:11) 3. On the head of a normal human being, the mouth comes last (after the forehead, ears and eyes, and nose).

This means your mouth is meant to be used after all others… Before you talk, you must think (head), listen (ear), observe (eyes) and perceive (nose). Man is not defiled by what goes into the mouth, but by what proceeds out of his mouth (Matt. 15:11). Therefore, don’t be rash (unwise, quick, hasty…) with your mouth! (Eccl. 5:2) What a Wonderful God! He even ministers to us through our own bodies... Little wonder David said again and again, 'The fool saith in his heart, there is no God' (Ps. 14:1, Ps. 53:1)

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