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  • Rev. Temiloluwa Aliu

We Need A Purging O Lord!

As I write this at 11.34pm today, Sunday, 13th July 2014 A.D, my heart is heavy with reflective thoughts on the height of depravity and perversity that has gradually crept into the 'Church' in this generation. I am convinced that it is not the same Gospel that I read in the Bible, same which was preached by the Apostles of old, that is being preached on many pulpits today, neither is it the same Gospel that is being practiced by the multitudes who today, claim to be Christians. I still do not understand what exactly is going on in the body of Christ in my generation. Seriously, we need a purging! It is in this generation that we hear of a Church that banned children from coming to Church services because their Pastor is a pedophile.

In this same generation, we have heard of an actress in the pornographic industry who not only preaches on TV but also Pastors a Church with hundreds of congregants. In this generation, many churches have legalized gay marriage, with many more joining the trend. They have not only started joining gay couples, some have ordained gay pastors. It is in this generation that we hear of pastors who get on the pulpit, throw the Bible on the floor in front of the congregation, and say "I didn't come here to preach this thing, I came to prophesy!" We've seen, in this generation, some 'preachers' who teach that unbelievers and pagans can possibly be saved without personal faith in Christ. One reportedly said, “Look, Christ died for everyone and any sincere person, of whatever religion—even no religion, will go to Heaven... and will discover that they got to Heaven because of His (Jesus') death.” Just this year, an alleged official release a popular Church (I hope this one is just a rumour) said Jesus was probably drunk when he made the promise of His second coming. In their words, "having the ability to turn water into wine has its ups and downs" I can go on and on and on... but I have come to a conclusion- WE NEED A PURGING!

Lord, here is my plea: Purge us with hyssop, and we shall be clean: wash us, and we shall be whiter than snow. (Psalms 51:7) Lord, sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and purify the Church, and purge us as gold and silver, that we may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness. (Malachi 3:3) Father, purge out from among us the rebels, and them that transgress against you: Bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the body of Christ: for we know that You are the LORD. (Ezekiel 20:38) And it shall come to pass, that he that is left on the pulpit, and he that remaineth on the pew, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the born again Christians: When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the pulpit, and shall have purged the perversity of pew from the midst thereof BY THE SPIRIT OF JUDGEMENT, and BY THE SPIRIT OF BURNING. (Isaiah 4:3-4)

These notwithstanding, I am indeed grateful to God that in the midst of all these arrant nonsense and perversity, God has raised for Himself, men who still live by, preach and defend the authentic word of God in its undiluted form; men who are worthy of the name, "Man of God". Thank you Sirs and Mas for heeding and staying true to the Call of God. God will keep you for the body of Christ, and perpetually justify your undaunted stand for Him. Amen.

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