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  • Rev. Temiloluwa Aliu

What Are You Becoming?

Man is a tripartite being- He is a Spirit He has a Soul He lives in a Body. What he does consistently with these three parts of his being determines what he will eventually become.

1 Thessalonians 5:23- "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" Have you ever wondered why an office executive, working in an air-conditioned office earns more than the gate-man doing manual labour under the hot sun? Have you ever wondered why an architect who designs a building plan earns more than the bricklayers who do the actual building? These show that functioning at the level of the Soul is more profitable than working at the level of the body. Working with your brain pays more than working with your muscles! Have you ever wondered why Jesus, in Luke 2: 46-47, when he was only a 12 year old boy, could engage the professors of his days in an intellectual discourse, having not gone to school? Have you ever wondered what happened in Acts 4:13? When they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. These show that the spiritual man is far ahead of the intelligent man. In fact, my Father, Rev. Olusola Areogun once said, "Your spirit is about 50 years ahead of your brain"... isn't that incredible! It is your duty as a person to ensure that your becoming process is whole- Spirit, Soul and Body. Most people focus on academics and professional training alone in their becoming process, not knowing that these will only develop the mind. They neglect their spirits and their bodies and end up living a miserable life. The soul, which happens to be most people's focus, has three components: 1. Will, which is the chooser. 2. Emotions, which is the feeler. 3. Reasoning, which is the thinker. Your Will The choices you are making now will certainly affect your future. If you choose to be lazy, you might still be a Doctor, but you'll be a lazy Doctor; If you choose to be rude, you might be a Lawyer, but you'll be a rude Lawyer. By your choices, you may be a neat Mechanic, a workaholic Marketer- just name it! What kind of person are you becoming? Make your choices wisely. Your Emotions How well have you mastered your emotions? This will determine what kind of person you will eventually become... A wicked Doctor, a friendly Teacher, a touchy Banker, a flirty Pastor, a sadist Lecturer, a heartless Nurse and so on... again, I ask, what exactly are you becoming? Your Reasoning How you fashion your mind to think is very important. In fact, this is the only thing that is measured to determine a person's Intelligence Quotient (IQ). You may by your way of reasoning become a careless Banker, a stupid Lawyer, an intelligent Carpenter e.t.c... again I ask, what are you becoming? Let's now talk about the body. There are three parts to this also- 1. Health 2. Hygiene 3. Appearance Your Health I remember the story of a particular preacher that died at a young age, he made a statement at his death bed, he said "God gave me a message and sent me with a horse" with regrets in his voice, he went on to say, "I killed the horse before delivering the message". Beloved, please do all you can while you still can, not to kill your horse before delivering your message. Eat well, rest well and do some exercise. What kinds of food do you eat? Do you eat the kinds of food that will make you sickly (Obese, Diabetic e.t.c) or healthy? Your habits and lifestyle will also affect your health- If you smoke, you're liable to die young, even as a Doctor. Again I ask, what are you becoming? Your Hygiene Hygiene talks about instructions for good living and cleanliness. Your hygiene will predispose you either to ill health or sound health, regardless of how far you have gone either as a student or career person. Your Appearance How well do you dress and how much attention do you pay to your appearance? Rough, untidy, unkempt, neat, well dressed... which of these words describe you? Finally, let me talk about the spirit. What process are you taking your spirit through? What are you becoming?- A sinning Doctor, an occultic Lawyer, an oppressed Teacher, a carnal Banker, or an anointed Professional. Make your choice today. Let me ask you few questions to grade yourself: -Are you born again? -Do you belong to a living Church? -Do you attend Church services regularly? -Who is your Destiny Father? -What divine assignments are you doing currently? -How faithful are you in those assignments. -What destiny training process are you currently going through willingly and obediently? God made you Spirit, Soul and Body. This is my sincere admonition: Care for your whole man! It doesn't matter who you become in life, you can't survive with a poor spirit; it makes you susceptible to satanic assaults and attacks. Bible says in Proverbs 18:14, "The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?" Only Jesus can heal the wounded spirit. If your spirit has been wounded by sinful life and wordly pleasures, I want you to come to Jesus today to heal you up so that you may have sustenance when infirmities show up and so that you may lead a fulfilled life, filled with satisfaction and accomplishments, rather than a miserable life, full of frustration and regrets. If you want a healing for your spirit today, Say this short prayer.

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