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The Miner's Joy

Evang. Gideon Davice

Matt 13:44- "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hid in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field". (NIV) The above scripture talks about a hidden treasure, and JESUS said it’s exactly how the kingdom of GOD is when the hidden treasure is found by some man who comes from nowhere. Other translations call the man a trespasser because he wasn’t meant to be on that field. That’s very true because JESUS said HE didn’t come for those who were already saved and perfect, he came for those who were not, for those who did not deserve heaven, to seek and to save the lost. For example, me! JESUS says, when a treasure is hidden but is found by the least deserving or the least worthy or the least qualified, HE says that’s the kingdom of GOD! HEAVEN is not actually meant for those who think they deserve it, in fact no human can ever deserve IT, no human can ever qualify for it, no human is worthy of it unless their worth and qualifications are based and founded on JESUS and HIS work on the cross. JESUS then says ‘the man sold all that he had and bought that field’. We don't know who the man is but let's name him Mr Jones. He discovered a treasure hidden and he hid it back, he then went away, sold all he had, and bought the land. One interesting thing is that a jobless man like Mr Jones could buy that land. If a jobless man’s properties worth enough to buy a field that he thinks is greater than all of his properties combined, then the seller did not know there was a treasure on that field and hence, doesn't know it's real worth. The seller did not know, but the buyer knew! Something similar occurs when the receivers of the word feel greater joy than the preachers of it. Mr. Jones feels the field is worth more than all of his properties, so he feels selling all his properties to purchase that field is worth it, especially when his customer has no idea what he has. You know, sometimes when I preach, the joy, happiness and seriousness with which some people take the word make me wonder for a moment and make me feel I said something I didn’t hear. Many a times, preachers don’t notice they’ve released words of power or breakthrough, so they are not aware of the happiness they’ve caused in people’s hearts. JESUS here portrays the field as worth selling one's properties for because the field is worth more. If we were to analogize this with our lives, that would mean getting the gospel at the cost of anything. It would mean getting to heaven even at the cost of the things dearest to us. It would mean surrendering our pride, ego, and even self-esteem, if needs be, to get to the home of the king. When people call us weak because we don't insult back, when friends call us weak because we love our enemies, when neighbours mock us and take advantage of our meekness and our desire to obey GOD'S command to love our enemies inspite of what they do - The kingdom of GOD is worth it. Though it's hidden from them, we've found it and can trade anything and everything to make sure we get it at all cost. There's another important thing we should note on the value of that field. It's an abandoned, poorly secured wreck. The same way, people see us as useless, weak, strange and laughable but we know why- because we've found a treasure and we're ready to let go of anything and everything that might stand between it and us including our human rights. I'm pretty sure Mr jones' friends must have laughed at him for selling his properties to buy a piece of land that's worth what it's worth to them. I remember a time someone publicly dissed me and I couldn't do anything but say nothing. I did this beacause it isn't a matter of debate that the people who take the lowest seats on earth will take the highest thrones in HEAVEN if only we will be patient enough and wait for the time of our treasure. Those who will receive the greatest honours in HEAVEN are those who have chosen to let go their pride for the sake of the treasure that they've seen, those who actually sold all that they had. Beloved, those who will rule in HEAVEN are those who didn't mind serving for the sake of getting there. Jude 1:1-2 (The Message)- I, Jude, am a slave to Jesus Christ and brother to James, writing to those loved by God the Father, called and kept safe by Jesus Christ. Relax, everything's going to be all right; rest, everything's coming together; open your hearts, love is on the way! This was Jude's opening remark in his message to encourage the saints. Another part of Mr Jones' story is awaiting his treasure buyer. For us, it's awaiting the second coming of our saviour, redeemer and Lord. Here's the truth, He's on his way! Waiting will cost us a lot, but the crown can never be fully appreciated by our human minds. You remember Jesus said He would be away for a 'little while'? Do you realize that we are about 2000 years from then and the 'little while' is not yet ended, now imagine when He says 'you shall have eternal life' on such a scale. As humans, the cost of waiting is more felt by us, but as humans with a target, the result of waiting should be more important to us- because the while he will be away from us is little compared to the while he will be with us afterwards. The treasure in the field is usually trampled upon, spat on, pissed on, abused and disrespected because it is buried and hidden. Only those who find it treasure it and value it even more than their pride, ego, worth, wealth, possessions and everything they have because it's worth it. Beloved, in the faces of challenges, tribulations, temptations and trials, let us be aware that the Lord is right there with us to pull along. If JESUS could die for us while we were enemies what can He not do for us when we've become friends. Are you unsaved? I'm pleased to tell you about the wonderful saviour. You might ask, 'how can I go to hell with all the good I have done?' you also need to answer this question 'how can you go to HEAVEN with all the bad you've done?' Everyone has done bad and everyone including Sadam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and Adolf Hitler has done good, so if it simply about doing good or bad, it's either everyone goes to hell or everyone goes to HEAVEN. Morally speaking, we would wish the good we've done prevails over the bad we've done but unfortunately, HEAVEN is not a moral phenomenon but a spiritual one, and it operates by spiritual rules. Dear friend, do not for one second think anyone is going to heaven because of the good that they've done; remember that they've also done bad... how will they ever pay for it? Unless you base your righteousness, holiness and qualifications on the spotless sacrificed lamb of God, unless you acknowledge Christ's work on the cross, don't expect to get to Heaven. Heaven is the answer to all of man's questions. It is the solution to all of man's problems. It is the habitation of the King of Kings, the creator of Heaven and earth and the Holiest creature that ever existed. Therefore, getting to heaven must be by His rules. The cost is to get ready to lose all that you have if needs be to get it at all cost and keep it by all means! If you are unsaved, I encourage you to say the prayer of salvation today. Are you saved? Hold on and look up to the sky for it's getting ready for the coming of your savior. You'll only expect a little more, wait a little while and be patient for a little more time... Your redeemer is on His way to get you up to be with Him forever in a place that no eye has seen, no photographer ever snapped and no one ever imagined rightly; the place everyone needs. The cost is to let everything go if everything will not let you hold the only thing that matters. James 1:12 (The Message)- Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life The treasure is worth more than its cost!!

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