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Worthy is the Lamb!

Rev. Temiloluwa Aliu

He was slain to receive power The hold of sin for us to conquer Daily causing us to wax stronger His Name is a very strong tower Under His wings we take shelter He hides us secure in His quiver He reigneth, let the earth quaver

He was slain to receive riches In Him, there's all-round increase He daily loads us with benefits With Him, there are never losses With Him, you've got no worries Just an array of unending privileges All these with tangible evidences He was slain to receive wisdom The wisdom of God's eternal Kingdom Wisdom which is altogether awesome Which in it's essence is truly wholesome This age's princes knew not this wisdom By it, we obtained our total freedom A mystery hell still can't phantom He was slain to receive strength To empower us against every darth To fortify us against the lure of filth To make us stand boldly for the truth To enable us fight the good fight of faith To enjoy the benefits of our new birth To serve him all our days upon the earth He was slain to receive Honor By this, He obtained a reputation When his glorious name is mentioned Every knee, by bowing must respond Every tongue must confess Him as Lord Yea, of all lords, Christ Jesus is the Lord He alone is worthy to be adored He was slain to receive Glory Gory hid for us since antiquity Glory which exceeds all beauty Glory which excels in purity By his Glory, we obtain sanctity We call Him the Lord of Glory For upon Him is laid majesty He was slain to receive blessing His blessing is constantly enriching It has no sorrow accompanying His blessing is always astounding It births forth joy unending With it comes divine lifting By it, we're bound to keep rising


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