Many Christians on assumption of leadership roles in their various careers do not take time to seek and get a vision for the office under God. They are soon overwhelmed by the responsibility of the office and forget to ask God the simple question: "what will you have me do in the position at this point in time"... What is the lesson?- There is a mountain you must go before you mount leadership!
The crux of effective Christian leaders is becoming more apparent in our present world. By Christian leaders, I do not only mean leaders within the church but also men who claim to have pledged allegiance to Christ and are heading various business groups and corporations. It is saddening to know that the helmsman of many failing organization is a Christian. Is the church meant to raise failures in leadership? Or does the church stand for mediocrity? Certainly not! What then is the reason behind such recent turn of event? As I pondered on this, I came across a Scripture that told me one clear reason why many Christians are failing in leadership. In Exodus 25:40, God was speaking to Moses: “Take care to make them according to the plan I showed you on the mountain.” (Good News Bible). What am I saying? Many Christians on assumption of leadership roles in their various careers do not take time to seek and get a vision for the office under God. They are soon overwhelmed by the responsibility of the office and forget to ask God the simple question: "what will you have me do in the position at this point in time". Moses was leading Israel under God’s direction. He never at any point saw himself as the point of attention, but only as an instrument through which God executes his plan. This is contrary to mindset of many Christian leaders today. They quickly forget that it is God that has raised them to the position at such a time as this. They rather ascribe their promotion to hard work and commitment to the vision of the corporation. Whenever a child of God neglects seeking God for the master plan for an office, he is only planning for failure. The knowledge that a man decides the fate of an organization sometimes makes the man to puff up. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely! This is adequately checked if the man is a Christian who receives direction from a higher authority- God. The consciousness that he is not here to execute any plan of his own keeps him humble; and because God gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5), grace for good success is available to such a leader. Leadership can really be overwhelming, and there is tendency for leaders to jettison the vision at some point in time. A leader with a sense of direction from God rarely loses focus. Why? Because the owner of the plan to whom the leader has surrendered comes to remind him of the master plan when he is beginning to derail. On several occasions, God reminded Moses of the need to carry out the assignments given him according to how He had shown him earlier. If there was no risk of losing focus, God may not have emphasized this over and over again. What is the lesson? There is a mountain you must go before you mount leadership. As a Christian appointed into leadership, remember to seek the face of God concerning the office before you get carried away by the pressure and privileges of the office. Stay Blessed!