I was discussing with an associate some day about the books of a controversial author. The author has developed various ideas and stories about the Christian faith, most of which are inconsistent with what the Bible says and what real Christianity stands for, so I wouldn't read his books. She asked me why, after all it was merely a book.
I explained to her that my faith was the most part of my life so I wanted to be safe. She told me that she saw me as a proper Christian, at least more mature than herself and if she could read his books and she could still be a Christian then I could. I then tried to say it in an implicit way that the more valuable something is to us, the less likely we risk losing it. How valuable her faith was to her that she wouldn't mind risking the effect of reading a book on her faith clearly depicts what she had to lose if she lost her faith? The more valuable something is to you, the more you protect it from danger, the more you shield it from harm, the more you get jealous for it. Who would after hearing controversies about a woman give their child to her? It has to do with the values, worth and priority that we place on our faith that makes us dare to risk losing it. If you value your faith so much you won't want to go to places that are likely to take it away from you; you won't want to see a movie that is questionable or read a book that is controversial. How much you value something determines how willing you are to risk losing it. Somebody who loves their relationship will immediately go defensive when an intruder has lunch with their partner because of the value they place on that relationship. People who really value their relationships don't wait till divorce before they act, they start a war seconds 'before' the moment things go fishy...they are several moments before time, several moments into the future. Have you been trying to get something but GOD is acting against you; is God taking you to a place you don't want to go? Is GOD drawing you from a place you want to remain? Is GOD taking your dearest things and persons from you? Is God hindering you from going somewhere or doing something? It's because your lover Is Jealous that He might lose you to your enemy. It's because GOD Is very concerned about your life that He prefers to make you less appealing to a partner that will turn your life to a wreck. The steps of the righteous man are ordered by GOD. He does everything possible ( which we may either perceive to be good or bad) to curb the worse plans of our enemy who comes in sheep clothing. He prefers to make conditions ugly than have you in a dunghill. He doesn't mind the insults that you would 'mail' to Him as you murmur, He doesnt mind the bad words that you'll say about Him because of your lack of understanding- all He cares about is that you are safe. Only a serious love has such jealousy, isn't it? Don't you understand that GOD is jealous for you that's why some things happen? It's not the kind of jealousy that Is envious and leads to gloating as a result of selfishness, it's the kind of jealousy that disallows you from doing what will hurt you. It's a love kind of jealousy not the selfish kind. It's not the 'jealousy of' somebody, it's the 'jealousy for' somebody... Beloved, God is jealous for you! The Bible calls Him a jealous GOD in Nahum 1:2, but without His people, He has nothing to be jealous for. If you're born again, you're among His people. When HE gives you, it's because of HIS joy of having you: when HE doesn't, it's because of HIS fear of losing you... He gives you because of HIS love for you, He doesn't because of HIS jealousy for you! If you're not yet born again, please decide today to keep your life in the hands of the One who knows tomorrow. Give to the master what you cannot keep after all. If you become His, your life has become His life; He will protect you like the apple of His eyes and keep you like His vessel of honour; your battles have become His wars; your issues have become His thoughts; He's now crazy, crazy in love. If you will love to give your life to Jesus today, so that you also can benefit from HIS love and jealousy, kindly say this short prayer.