"What kind of love do I need to make my life blissful?"
This is a 'million dollar question' which many have asked themselves in their personal closets. Some men have lead a miserable, unhappy and hopeless life because they have not found love, while others, in trying to fight back become cruel, unkind and vicious. Conversely, some have found love but are still unhappy, dissatisfied and restless because they didn't find true love... Really it takes love, true love, to be happy and satisfied with life!
How then can we find this true love? That kind of love that all souls long for; the kind of love that satisfies and brings bliss. You might have asked yourself this question too. Here is the answer- AGAPE, GOD'S LOVE! Agape... so difficult to comprehend, yet so pleasant if apprehended! The love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that we might be filled with all the fulness of God. (Eph 3:19); that is the love I am talking about! Agape is the only love that expresses the meaning of love. We may find it quite difficult to believe that God actually loves us like he says. "How will God, out of the multitude of people in the world, love me still?" "No it's impossible.", my rational mind concluded, but I found out that God loves us more than any other person in the world does! Beloved, God loves you more than your sweet mum, your caring dad, your husband, your wife, your fiance, your fiancee, your friends and even your relatives... God loves you more than them all! Let me shock you with one more truth- God loves you more than you love yourself!!! How sad it is, that many have passed through the sands of time without knowing and/or acknowledging how much God loves them. You see, God loves you so much so that he knows the number of hairs on your head (Luke 12:7). This God cares for you so much! Let me put it this way, GOD IS SO MUCH INTO YOU. Jesus speaking in John 15:9 & 13 Said: "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you... Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" The epitome of God's display of love for mankind was that He died for us, not just to redeem us from the repercussions of sin, but also from the very power and grip of the sinful nature and to change the disastrous destiny we chose for ourselves. Foreseeing all the troubles that face us in life, He said, "I don't want you to bear this on yourself, cast it all on me, I care for you". (1Pet. 5:7)... This simply means His love makes us free. Leaning on His love, we can live all the days of our lives without a single burden, if only we continually cast all our cares on Him. Hey people!!! God loves us regardless of what we have done or anything that has gone down in our lives. God lves you, he does! However, please remember that we are not meant to be love sinks, rather, we are supposed to reciprocate the love of God. The summary of the Christian faith from every end is love- God's love for us and our love for Him. 1John 2:15- "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him" Love God, He loves you unconditionally!!!