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How I Learnt to See the World

Bliss Nwoke

Something I learnt from experience.

A lot of people know I use glasses... Myopia (short sightedness), and you'll assume I can't see a fa...r distance, right? But really I sit at the very first row in class and I can't even decode the board marker prints on the board. I can't recognize people when they are a little distance away from me. I'm so sure there are many others that experience that.

One day In class, I had lost my pair of glasses. The lecturer came in and began his work but I got frustrated and left. Why? I couldn't even see so How would I understand the calculations? Most times I'd be in church listening to A person preach whom I cannot see without my glasses. But one day in the lecture theatre, I once again said 'God, my vision of the world is blurry, all I see are representations of the real thing.' and God said, 'I'm teaching you to listen. Bliss listen with your heart, focus with your ears. You don't see me, but you hear me speak and you believe. Because I speak to your heart and not your face.'

At that moment, I begun to listen to the lecturer. I didn't even look at his face. I just put down what he wrote as He wrote on the board. I also checked through a friend's note. My idea of the world changed from that moment. I began to seize every opportunity I got to capture people when they were right in front of me. I captured their personality, their faces, their smiles, everything. So when I saw them afar off and my sight of them was blurry, I checked through the eyes of my heart and recalled the Image of them I had stored within. So my Vision was not limited to my eyes, it was an expansion of my heart.

My dear, all you need to do is look beyond what you see, search deeper within. Look beyond your ailments and see a better picture. Don't forget to affirm your vision with those of like minds. And always remain Blissful. That's how I learnt to see the world.


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