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Oghogho Ovonlen

Lord Help Me!

A prayer in moments of discouragement and despair

Dear Lord,

There are sooo many things competing for my attention, sometimes it is so hard & so confusing to make a decision, 'cos even though You are all I want, there’s still that part of me that wants to maintain a social life, that wants to look good, that wants to hallucinate, that part, that wants to just run wild & do whatever.

There’s still that part of me that resists discipline. To cut it short, there’s still that part of me that loves the world.

And yes, I know friendship with the world is enmity with God, but sometimes… or most times, I feel like it’s almost impossible not to be influenced by a world we see and live in every day. And it makes it so hard for me to say “in You I live, in You I move, in You I have my being”, because I do all these a world that is so different from You.

Lord, I choose to hide under this Rock. You are my Rock and Refuge. When the pressures and demands of this world come, I want be found safely, tucked away in your embrace. I want to pick you over fleeting desires. I want to indeed (not just in words) Live for You.

I don’t want to be lost in the nothingness and meaninglessness of this life. Don’t want to spend my days chasing things that would eventually fade away and leave me empty.

Please, help me stay focused.

Because the truth is, all these things are distractions.

Distractions from The way, The truth, and The life.

Detractors that keep me from upholding You as the centre of my life. And that’s just where I need You to be, at the centre. At the helm of all my affairs. Not a part of my life, but my whole life, revolving around You,such that Your light illuminates each part just like the sun illuminates the planets.

Lord, I’m powerless without You, dead without You. I need You

I need You to hold on to me, when my weak and confused hand (heart) cannot hold on to You.

I need You to be master and Lord of my life.

Lord, help me!

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