Most people, right from childhood have had dreams, ambitions, aspirations e.t.c most of which will keep changing as they grow through the different stages of life. The greatest changes occur during the adolescent years, which come with their own peculiar challenges and 'uncertainties'. Most teens give up on childhood dreams and pick up new interests, "wanna be" syndrome sets in, independence, sense of individuality e.t.c also bring about very complex changes, such that many, in adulthood tend to live life just as it comes. However, there remains a deep-seated longing in every man that only their divine purpose can satisfy.
John 18:37 [KJV]-
"...Jesus answered, ... To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world"
John 6:38 KJV
"For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me".
Can you see the words of Jesus in these scriptures?
1. To this end was I born: This talks expressly about the eternal counsel of God; the predestination of God over your life that predated your conception and birth. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are a mistake, NO! Regardless of the circumstances that surrounded your birth, God sent you here for a purpose.
2. For this cause came I into the world: Again, there is a reason why you are in this world, and the nations of the Earth are earnestly waiting for your manifestation. Romans 8:19 [KJV]- "For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God". Beloved, there is a great deposit of God in you that the whole world is waiting to see manifest, don't disappoint, don't tarry!
3. The Will of Him that sent me: You must start to recognize yourself as a man on a mission. God sent you here for a purpose, and you must begin to synchronize your life with that purpose; you must seek to find out the purpose/ will of Him that sent you, and give yourself fully to it. Look beyond your personal ambitions, parental preferences, environmental influence and peer pressure; let God show you His purpose for your life, and give your best shot to it!
The man of God, Myles Munroe of blessed memory said "The greatest tragedy of life is not death, but a life without a purpose". If you keep living life without a purpose (particularly, a purpose in tandem with God's eternal counsel over your life), you are but a disaster on two legs going somewhere to crash!
Have you ever wondered why famous or wealthy people commit suicide? They seemingly have it all–money, houses, cars, vacation, jewelry, power and popularity. And yet, some choose to end their own lives or waste away by consuming drugs or alcohol. Truth is, without a genuine purpose in life, our lives are empty, and lack true meaning; everything may seem to be in place, but they just don't make sense all thesame!
There is an innate longing of the human heart for something beyond the ordinary; something outside itself, and greater than itself. Ecclesiastes 3:11 refers to God placing "eternity in man’s heart". God made humanity for His eternal purpose, and your life will remain empty and void until you place your feet on the grounds on divine purpose.
Furthermore, a man without a purpose is a slave of life, a slave of his own circumstances, and a perpetual slave to men of purpose. If you have no vision and purpose in life, those who have one will use you to accomplish theirs. If you choose to live life just as it comes, you will be a slave of circumstances- the circumstances of today will determine your tomorrow... These make life a living hell!
In Part 2 of this article, I will share on HOW TO DISCOVER AND FULFILL PURPOSE