As a young child; the youngest of three sons, my parents, though not born again at the time, brought us up with strict moral standards. This notwithstanding, young and innocent as I was, the devil came after me very early, but God, by his mercies, didn't allow him to hijack me completely. I went from 'rough' play with female neighbours and cousins down the road of bad friendships, negative influences and sinful habits, but Jesus saved me and gave me a new life. ROUGH CHILDHOOD At the age of 6, I became friends with a classmate who opened my eyes to being troublesome... We would team up to fight and intimidate girls! This continued till he repeated Primary 3, and our friendship ended since we were no more classmates. During the times of our friendship, sins like lying, stealing, abuse and foul languages became an integral part of me... Quite strange for my age! During one of my holidays, still as a primary school boy, I met an older boy, who I became quite close with. He was the son of my Dad's colleague and had ventured so much into worldly things... He thought me things like "How to get a girl" like he would call it. He was bisexual, and was about leading me on the path of homosexual relationships when his Dad sent him back. I believe his traveling was a divine arrangement to salvage my life and destiny. MY ADOLESCENT BATTLES I proceeded to Secondary school and became quite cool-headed, having mixed with many calm kids. When I was to enter SSS1 (GRADE 10), I sought admission to a boarding school but was rejected. This again, was a divine interception, as I later got to know that the bisexual boy was attending the same school. I gained admission into another school and became a boarding student. Along the line, my parents joined a Church where they became born again. It was in the Church that I became well acquainted with strong Christian doctrines, but rather than giving my life to Christ, I became a pretender- I gambled (and kept loosing heavily), cheated in exams, peeped on girls, shop-lifted, became addicted to pornography & masturbation, attended night parties, loved worldly musics, and had undefined relationships. These notwithstanding, I still saw myself as the 'holiest' amongst my friends, as I didn't join them in smoking, drinking & fornication which were part of normal campus life and extremely rampant in my University. I could remember a dare game I played with my friend one day; I was sick and tired of all their mockery that I couldn't drink; I drank to stupor that day, and almost damaged my GIT. On another occasion, I was caught shoplifting, but God intervened and saved me from shame and disgrace... Thank God for his mercies! THE ROAD TO CHANGE Meanwhile, all along, I kept going out for altar calls and would thereafter backslide. I had a long struggle of wanting to forsake God, but there was this strong pull that I couldn't just resist. During a semester break, I refused to go home because of the steady electricity and Internet in school. It was during that break that a friend of mine bought a saxophone, and I went with him to his Church to practice. I started attending the Church more regularly (same Church I always avoided)... I was deeply touched by the Pastor's sermons, broke down, and became a dedicated Christian, though still struggling with sinful habits. THE FINAL STROKE I was 18 when I eventually surrendered my life to Christ and I got baptized on my 19th birthday after which I was able to overcome my sinful habits... I thank God for his grace! I appreciate God for all the dangerous people he has taken out of my life, and the wonderful people he has brought into my life. I am still growing, and I know God is taking me somewhere. Alleluia!!!
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