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Your Presence

Ireoluwa Fijabi

When I’m in your presence,

that’s the best time of the day for me.

Your presence surrounds and comforts me,

I see your arms wrapped around me

reassuring me of your love and letting me know that I am not alone.

As tears trickle down my face,

my heart feels warm with the fullness and awareness of your love.

I know that you are there

and that you’ll never leave me.

You put your praise in my heart,

to worship you is all I ever want to do,

I want all that I do to bring glory to your name.

It’s all about you Lord,

You hold everything by the power of Your Word,

without you nothing exists,

you give meaning to my life,

because you live Jesus, I live,

because you won, I’ve won.

Through you I have hope and a future,

because of you my life makes sense,

I now have a sense of purpose,

I am living a meaningful life.

You’ve given me so much joy Lord,

you loved me even when I didn’t care.

Words cannot even describe your faithfulness,

goodness, and your loving-kindness in my life.

I will forever be in awe of you and may I never lose my wonder,

I want to always be stunned by you,

I want to forever marvel at the works of your hands,

I want you to fill my life till all they see is you.

Glorify your name in my life with what I do,

and wherever I go, help me to always bring glory to your name God.

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