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Daily Tonic || Purposeful Living

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- John 6:38 "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will

of him that sent me".

Most people, right from childhood have fantasies, dreams, ambitions, aspirations etc. most of which will keep changing as they grow through the different stages of life. The greatest changes occur during adolescence, which come with its own peculiar challenges and 'uncertainties'.

During the teenage years, most people give up on their childhood dreams and pick up new interests; "wanna be" syndrome sets in, independence, sense of individuality etc. also bring about very complex changes, such that by the time most people become adults, they tend to live life just as it comes. However, there remains a deep-seated longing in every man that only their divine purpose can satisfy.

In today’s text, we see Jesus summing up His life in “The will of Him that sent me”. That should be the summation of your life too. You must start to recognize yourself as God-sent to this earth; a man on a divine mission to fulfil.

God sent you here for a purpose, and you must begin to synchronize your life with that purpose; seek to find out the will of Him that sent you, and give yourself fully to it. Look beyond your personal ambitions, parental preferences, environmental influence, peer pressure, limitations and struggles; let God show you His purpose for your life, and give your best shot to it!

John 18:37 - "...Jesus answered... To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world”. Let’s examine the two major statements in this verse of scripture:

1. “To this end was I born”- This is an expression of the eternal counsel of God; the predestination of God over your life that predated your conception and birth. Listen, you have a purpose; regardless of the circumstances that surrounded your birth or the current circumstances in your life, don't ever let anyone tell you that you are a mistake.

2. “For this cause came I into the world”- Again, there is a reason why you are in this world, and the earth is eagerly waiting for your manifestation (Romans 8:19). There is a great deposit of God in you that the whole world is waiting to see manifest, don't disappoint, don't tarry!

You may say, “But I belong to a third-world country, how can my life count that much?” See what happened between Gideon and the Lord in Judges 6:15-16, “Gideon said to Him, "Please, Lord, how can I deliver Israel? Look, my family is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house”. And the LORD said unto him, “Surely I will be with thee…""

You have a purpose; your life has meaning even if current circumstances make you feel otherwise. See, you might not know your purpose yet but don’t give up before you figure it out. God sent you here for a purpose and there is greatness hanging upon your life so don’t underestimate yourself. Don’t let people around you, your past your circumstances etc. discourage you and make you feel like you don’t deserve a shot to shine because you do.


1. Lord, I choose to embrace divine purpose. Let your will be done in my life.

2. Lord, beginning from today, I ask that you begin to work out everything in my life according to the counsel of your will.

3. Come what may, I will fulfil my God-ordained purpose. Nothing will be able to stop me.

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