The world today views wealth and having the best of earthly possessions as being victorious. It goes as far as making us believe that if one occupies a high position or is popular then that is when one is fit to wear the crown and emerge victorious. Sometimes we misinterpret the understanding of our desire to attain wealth by failing to understand that there is a greater victory than just wealth as a qualification for the victor’s crown; that victory is CHRIST. Jesus Christ gives you a crown called " the victor's crown" which symbolizes possession of both earthly and heavenly treasures. Why seek after just earthly possession when you can earn both through Jesus Christ?
The world as enticing as it is also has a crown to offer and that is the reward of achievements but it also offers the "crown of thorns" which symbolizes pain, death, mockery, shame, tribulations, lies and no better end but that doesn’t erase the fact that it still remains a crown.Would you continue to wear the “crown of thorns "or seek the "Victor's Crown"?
John 19:2 “ The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe ” (NIV)
This verse talks about how the soldiers placed the crown of thorns on the head of Christ before they crucified him. They could not have offered him any better crown than that because they themselves had no idea what the victor's crown was or what it meant.
Revelation 19:12 ” His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.” (NIV)
In this scripture, Christ has got a crown in heaven but this crown is different because it has no thorns on it.This crown symbolizes life, breakthrough’s, restoration and victory.Would you prefer to go through pain just to be victorious or would you prefer to be victorious with no pain?
Christ paid it all at the cross,he wore the "crown of thorns" for you because he wants you to wear the "victor's crown" and enjoy the treasures that God has given you on earth.
1 Corinthians 15:57
“ But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ ” (NIV).
Having Christ in one’s life is like having a manual that helps you function better; it shows you the things you ought to know that an ordinary you would have never known and that is who Christ is. He is willing to guide you through the process of earning the "victor's crown". Do you want to be victorious in Christ.
Are you willing to wear the victor's crown today?
If yes, then you have to first acknowledge and receive the one who wears the Crown "JESUS
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