Text- Psalm 84:7- “They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appears before God”.
Below is a conversation that happened between a boy, Dan and his Mum on a Sunday morning:
Mum: Dan, let's go to Church.
Dan: But mum, I'm tired, I need to rest.
Mum: I said, let's go to Church!
Dan: But why must I?
Mum: If you won't go to Church, you are not staying with me in this house.
While Dan’s Mum may have the right to enforce right values and discipline into her son, we must admit that Dan wants something substantial, and that is the case with any of us. We want to know the things that happen in Church that cannot happen elsewhere. Why is it not good enough to just read your bible and listen to a sermon from your favorite preacher on YouTube? Why can’t you just sit at home and log on live to the worship service of a Church you like?
You see, we ‘attend church’ on Sundays not just for teaching but we ‘gather with other believers’ also for fellowship, corporate worship, communion, prayer and to build one another up in the faith (Acts 2:42-47). I this regard, 'Churching' right is fundamental to spiritual growth.
Jesus went to the synagogue as a regular practice. Luke 4:16 says, "He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom." It was his custom —his regular practice—to go to church. The Message Bible puts it like this, "As he always did on the Sabbath, he went to the meeting place." If Jesus made it a priority to meet together with other believers, shouldn't we do so also?
Another important point to note is that we are influenced and become like the people we associate with. By getting together with fellow believers regularly, common beliefs are affirmed and ways to overcome problems are shared. We also have the privilege to gather around the anointing
There are three basic constituents of a strong Christian life: PERSONAL PRAYER, BIBLE STUDY and FELLOW BELIEVERS. To rely on less than all three is like trying to sit on a one or two-legged stool. The three legs are needed for a firm foundation and proper function.
When you give up on attending church, what's at stake? Well, to put it in a nutshell, you become a lone ranger, and compromise your spiritual growth and safety when you're disconnected from fellowshipping with the body of Christ. Always remember Psalms 84:7- 'They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appears before God'
1. Lord plant me in the right Church where I will be rightly fed and where I can be firmly rooted; a place where I can flourish in the courts of my God.
2. Lord plant me in the right Church where I will be rightly fed and where I can find an opportunity to serve you
3. Lord, as I go to Church today for corporate worship and to fellowship with my brethren, touch me specially, speak to me expressly, and build me up in Jesus’ Name.
Image Credit: http://bit.ly/2wwtWJ7