Jesus You are my lifeline
Without you I would wither away into nothingness,
my life would lose its meaning;
I would simply be existing and not living.
I would lose the sense of my being.
Jesus you are anchor
Without you I would have no stability,
my life would be filled with uncertainty,
I would slumber and slip into depression,
and just fade into oblivion.
Jesus you are my carpenter
Without you my life would be filled with cracks,
my self-esteem shattered with no hope of repair,
my spirit broken with no hope of restoration.
I would be without form.
like the amoeba I was taught in high school,
I would be is shapeless,
not only physically but in every area of my life .
My life would lack the beauty and luster,
my life would be rocky
With no one to smoothen it.
Jesus you are my satisfaction
Without you I would forever have a vacuum that cannot be filled up,
I would forever hunger and thirst with no hope of satisfaction
because you alone can satisfy me.
Jesus you are my deliverer
You saved me from the path of self-destruction
Jesus you are my pathfinder (Isaiah 48:17)
Without you I’d be lost with no direction.
Jesus you are my defense,
With you I have protection,
And in you I find safety.
image credit: youtube.com