Text- 2 Kings 3:15 “But now bring me a musician.” And when the musician played, thehand of the LORD came upon him”
A lot of Christians struggle with the question of whether they should listen to secular music or not; I sincerely can’t count how many times I have had to answer questions along this line. Sincerely speaking, many secular musicians have great talents and secular music can be very melodious. In the next few days, I will explain my view on music.
As a way of introduction, let's understand the following truths:
The spirit-realm is activated and controlled by words. John 6:63, Psalm 33:6.
We will give account of all our idle words. Matthew 12: 36-37.
Music contains and convey words; we call them 'lyrics’
· We therefore conclude that music can activate and control the spirit realm and we will be held accountable for the songs we sing.
Having established the link between songs and spirits, and the importance of taking heed of the kinds of songs we sing, we must realize that music has a peculiar power: The power of melody. Once you enjoy the beat and melody of a song, the lyrics (remember, words; spirits) will matter less to your reasoning, and gain unrestricted access to your mind. That’s why you sometimes find yourself sing, word for word, a song you never sat down to memorize.
Since these lyrics (words) have the capacity to activate and control the spirit realm, and can it means that music introduces and exposes you to spirits. All you have to do to be exposed to the spirit a song conveys is to listen.
Now, there are 5 kinds of Spirits in the universe:
1. The Holy Spirit (God). Genesis 1:1-2 Songs from this source are always Divine and Supernatural.
2. Recreated Spirits (Christians; Born again persons). 2Corinthians 5:17 Songs from this source are either Natural or Worship songs.
3. Ministering Spirits (Angels). Hebrews 1: 13-14 Songs from this source are strictly to Worship God.
4. Fallen Spirits (Satan and his demons). Isaiah 14:2, Revelation 12: 9 Songs from here are always Sinful and Demonic
5. Dead Spirits (Unbelievers) Genesis 2: 16-17, Ephesians 2:1 Colossians 2:13 Songs from this source are either Natural or Sinful.
We as Christians must be careful of the kinds of songs we listen to, so that we do not somehow find ourselves singing lyrics (speaking idle words) that we cannot account for, and so that we do not unintentionally expose ourselves to strange spirits.
1. Lord, please grant me the wisdom to know which songs are safe for me, and which ones I should stay away from.
2. Lord, I ask that you quicken my heart and grant me the grace not to be swayed away by bad songs that have nice melody.
3. Lord, teach me to love what you love and to detest what you detest, especially when it comes to music.
Image Credit: http://bit.ly/2DqzH1F