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Daily Tonic || Music Tests

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- 2 Kings 3:15 “But now bring me a musician.” And when the musician played, the hand of the LORD came upon him”

In the past few days, we have been discussing on the subject of music, and how much bearing it can have on our spiritual lives, Yesterday, I shared with us on the types of songs and talked about how to examine the lyrics of natural songs. Today, I will share six more tests that with which to examine songs.

I must admit that these are not as vital as the lyrics but they are also very important. These tests will ensure that you stay off the songs that could possibly endanger you and others around you. For a young believer, the test of lyrics is good enough, but the more you mature in the faith, the more relevant these six tests become for you:

1. Repository Test

This is evaluating the person that sang the song. Sometimes, you may find out that as good as a song is, the person who sang it is not someone whom you want to be associated with. When you love a song, you somehow fall in love with the musician and you may find yourself giving being influenced by them or subtly approval to their person and lifestyle before you even find out who they really are.

2. Music Style Test

This is an evaluation of the source/origin of the music style. Some songs have good lyrics but strange beats. How do you recognize a strange beat? Usually a question is raised in your heart as regards whether you should be listening to this or not. It’s like a revolt in your spirit, even though your flesh is enjoying the beats.

3. Dance Test

This is an evaluation of the dance steps associated with the song; this particularly has to do with music videos. Truth is, dance steps portray gestures, and sometimes the gestures that a dance step portrays may not befit a Christian. For instance, if the gesture that is being portrayed is suggestive or abusive in nature.

4. Bestirring Test

This had to do with examining how the music affects your desires. How do you feel after listening to the song? What inspirations come to your mind? How does the song affect your spirit? This test has nothing to do with how the lyrics, style, or dance. It’s about the overall effect of the song on you as a person. Some find that certain songs stir them us sexually or make them gives them violent predispositions. Such songs are to be avoided.

5. Test of Conviction

Sometimes, all you have to do is just listen to your inner man. Your personal convictions and consecrations may disallow you from listening to certain songs that may otherwise be Okay for another believer. Learn to evaluate the convictions deep within your spirit about every song you listen to. This test occurs in the subconscious, yours is to be vigilant and to obey the nudging.

6. Test for the Infirm

If the song has passed all the tests above, you must finally, put it through the test for the infirm, as recommended in 1 Corinthians 8:9. “But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak.” Do this for the sake of the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:19-23)


1. Lord, please grant me the wisdom to know which songs are safe for me, and which ones I should stay away from.

2. Lord, I ask that you quicken my heart and grant me the grace not to be swayed away by bad songs that have nice melody.

3. Lord, teach me to love those that are weaker than I am, and not y means of my liberty become a stumbling block to them.

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