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Daily Tonic || What Is Your Conviction?

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Galatians 1:10 "For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? For if I were still pleasing men, I wouldn’t be a servant of Christ."

I admonish you to live your life with full consciousness of the ever-abiding power & presence of God. Brethren, let us realign our minds to derive it's satisfaction and accomplishment from divine approval, rather than civil laws and societal standards.

Below are the reasons why some people don’t misbehave; it shows where there utmost sense of approval comes from. I want you, as you go through this, to examine thoroughly what your own conviction is and why you are “behaving right”

1. Law

For instance, some won't kill because they don’t want to go to jail, not necessarily because they love the Lord and value human life that much.

2. Civility

Some unbelievers are so civil; you won’t suspect that they could be evil. Don’t be the kind of Christians who has a lot formal politeness and courtesy in behavior and speech because of civil standards. Let the word of God be your standards.

3. Science

An example of this is to say, “Abstinence is the best prevention against STD, so I'll not have sex”. A person who says this is behaving right because of scientific facts, not necessarily because fornication is a sin.

4. Support group

Support groups are very good, but they should not replace the word of God n our lives. A teenager may refuse to have sex because she promised her parents not to, but that may not last too long. It is our resolve to obey God that has the capacity to endure all forms of temptations

5. Current trends

Someone may decide not to wear a cloth because it's no longer in vogue, and not because it's revealing. It means the day a revealing cloth is what’s in vogue, she will wear it. This example shows how flawed our convictions are, when they are based on current trends.

6. Societal standards

Take for instance; Gay marriage is gradually becoming acceptable in the society, so if societal standards were your reasons for not having homosexual, relationships, that resolve will soon fail. A young lady may choose not to have premarital sex because of what people will say if she gets pregnant; the day she learns of contraceptives, that resolve will fail!

7. The infallible Word of God

As believers, our actions should be guided by this, “God's word says so, and I want to live a life that pleases Him”

2 Timothy 2: 9 “Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, The Lord knows them that are his. And, Let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity”


1. Lord, I choose to live a life that will please you. I need you grace in doing so.

2. Lord, if there is any area of my life where my convictions are wrong, help me to realign before I face what can destroy my determination.

3. Lord, I ask that in the face of trials and temptations, my resolve to serve and to please you will not fail.

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