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Daily Tonic || The Operational Forces Of Life (2)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Romans 8:28- “All things work together for good to them that love God, and to them that are called according to His purpose”

Yesterday, we started talking about the operational forces of life and we had a discussion on the first operational force: wishes. Today, we will be discussing the second operational force in life – OPINIONS.

A man that has an opinion is someone who has a platform to express his wishes, or, as it were, his view on an issue. He doesn’t only wish that things should change; he has more than just an idea, he also has a platform to express his ideas. Invariably, the power of opinion is the availability of a platform. The higher your platforms are, the more weight your opinions will carry.

You must have heard this before, “Everyone is entitled to their opinion” That is true, and that makes opinion a little too common. Take for example, opposition parties in every country have their opinion on the performance of the party in power; activists have their own opinion on how people are being treated; in fact, people have their own personal opinions about God… Everyone is just entitled to their opinion!

The commonness of opinion is aggravated by the fact that it is always subjected to a negotiation table to be disputed and debated before it can be accepted, or otherwise, rejected. These factors further weaken the power of opinion as an operational force in life.

If all you have in life are “OPINIONS”, you may become frustrated somewhere along the line because you will not be able to do anything on your own, except you have amassed people’s support; more so, whenever your opinion is different from the popular opinion, you will be pushed aside.

Have you ever been shy or even scared to express your real opinion on an issue? I want you to make up your mind today, that things will not continue that way. Shyness may be robbing you of an important operational force, and consequently limit you significantly in life.

As you go through life, don’t seek to always flow with the tide. Even if people choose to disregard your opinion, never mind… at least you were sincere with yourself. Like God said to Joshua, “Be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt!”

Let me mention quickly that every platform God gives you is an opportunity to be His faithful steward, and to be a His mouthpiece there. Isaiah 58:14 says “Then shall you delight yourself in the LORD; and I will cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth”. I believe the time has come for genuine believers to take the high platforms of this earth and glorify the Name of the Lord there.

Finally, I want you to know that God is a God of opinions. Jeremiah 29:11 says “I know the thoughts I have towards you, they are the thoughts of good and not of evil, to give you an expected end” God is simply saying, my opinion about you is a good one, I want you to have a hope and a future.

You will experience clash of opinions many times in life, but you must consciously choose to make God’s will (opinion) the ultimate. Your mind is the negotiation table of your destiny; the choices and decisions you make will determine whether or not you will fulfill destiny. So weigh your options before you make final choices and decisions and don’t be too proud to retract when you have obviously made a mistake.


1. Lord, please make me your faithful steward in the high places of this earth so that I can be a voice for you and bring glory to your Name.

2. Lord, grant me the wisdom to know when to speak and when not to. And help me to be bold and strong, to speak up when I ought to.

3. Lord, I choose to make your opinion (you counsel, you purpose and your will) the ultimate in my life, Have your way Lord in Jesus Name.

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