When all hope is gone
and life puts me in a chaotic state
who do I turn to
All I have is you.
When life is tough
each tear trickles down
with no one to offer a shoulder
all I have is you.
When people wreck my life
all in the name of friendship
who do I turn to
I have no one but You.
When am all alone
afraid and lonely
When the devil tries to rub me off my Joy
You give the everlasting Joy of the Father.
When I close my eyes
hoping to change the circumstances around me
I just hear the echoes of 'pity' from people
I don’t want pity!
I want You.
When I was worth nothing
Useless and deep into sin
you gave me a Saviour
When I had nothing to eat
You introduced me to Jehovah Jireh.
When I was helpless and lost hope
lost vision and lost the zeal
You sent me Jehovah Ezer
When I was in the midst of the darkness and danger
You sent me Jehovah Ori
When life draws me to the edge
desperation and frustration echoes loudly
and the sting of death hunts for whom to devour
All I have is the assurance of your Word
to use the prayer mantle
and speak Your Name.
What more can I ask from you?
All I have is you Lord
Image Credit: Pinterest.com