Text- 2 Samuel 5:10 "And David went on and on, and became great, and the LORD God of hosts was with him"
Yesterday, we talked about the importance of being able to make transitions, and move on in life. I mentioned to you that you must be able to move on from your horrible past and even, your past glories and achievements.
As we continue with the same topic today. I’m going to show you some other things that you must be quick to detach from if you will go ahead to have a great future.
3. Move on from your hurts and disappointments. If you have ever been hurt or disappointed, you will agree that it is not easy at all to move on. However, you will also agree that life sometimes loses its sweetness and savor when you get stuck in your hurts and disappointments,
Yes, I know emotional pain is real – even more real than physical pain at times, but the big question you should ask yourself when someone hurts or disappoints you is, “Do I want to get back to being an active liver of life, or would I rather get stuck with something that cannot be changed?”
Ultimately, how an occurrence affects you, and how you deal with it, is more important than the occurrence itself! It is very legitimate to feel the pain, and to feel them fully, but it is dangerous not to move on.
Nursing your grievances will lead to offences and bitterness, both of which will compromise your intimacy with God, negatively impact your mental well-being, and jeopardize your future
4. Move on from your mistakes and regrets. We all make mistakes because we are humans, and humans are not infallible. If your conscience is alive, when you make a mistake, you feel bad and you regret your actions, and you may begin to experience feelings of guilt and shame. That is absolutely normal! However, you must move on, and not allow the devil to hold you bound in guilt and shame!
Guilt is feeling bad about what you did, while shame is feeling bad about yourself, usually because you have started interpreting yourself in light of the mistake you made. Sometimes, guilt and shame make you feel you are not worthy to approach God, or that you do not deserve joy, happiness or any good thing at all.
The key to moving on here is to genuinely repent of your misdeed, receive God’s forgiveness and rejoice in it! Truly, if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
It is also advisable to seek the forgiveness of those whom you offended, so that your conscience is cleared of any guilt.
Beloved, don’t get stuck in what others did to you, or what you did to others. Allow neither hurts nor regrets to hold you down. Come what may, make up your mind to keep making progress.
1. Lord, please heal my heart today from every hurt and disappointment. Grant me the strength to graciously forgive everyone who has hurt me in the past, and even those who will hurt me in future.
2. Father, I repent today for my past mistakes and misbehavior's that have hurt others around me. Please, forgive me in Jesus Name.
3. Lord, please heal me today from every form of guilt and shame that has plagued my heart
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