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Daily Tonic || Move On! (3)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- 2 Samuel 5:10 "And David went on and on, and became great, and the LORD God of hosts was with him"

For some days now, we have been talking about the importance of being able to make transitions, and move on in life. I mentioned already, in the course of this series, that you must be able to move on from your horrible past, your past glories and achievements, your hurts and disappointments, and your mistakes and regrets.

I will round off this topic today with two more things that you must be skilled in quickly moving on from, so that you can focus on what lies ahead, and make the best out of your future.

5. Move on from all struggles and limitations. It is a common notion that life is unpredictable. Sometimes, you can explain why things happen the way they do, but at other times, they defy all forms of human reasoning and explanation, and we are left to wonder if we ever can fully understand the processes of life.

However, for us as children of God, though we may not be able to predict what life will throw at us; what struggles will come our way; or what limitations we will have to deal with per time, we can rest assured that all things are working together for our good.

Beloved, all things are working together for your good, so you must be quick to move on from all your struggles and limitations; don’t get stuck in them! You see, everyone called a champion overcame something, so when you encounter struggles and limitation, see it as your opportunity to be a champion, and then go for it!

6. Move on from all the drama going on around you. Life is filled with a lot of drama, and certain people enjoy it, but if you will make the best out of life, you must be quick to move from all the drama going on around you – The gossips, the rumors, the attitudes, the strive etc.

There are times that there just seem to be a lot of drama going on around you. What do you do at such times?

  • Stay away from anyone dragging you into unnecessary drama.

  • Don’t feed into other people’s drama

  • And make sure you are not starting any drama yourself!

Truth is you actually don’t need any drama in your life, so stay out of it! If you find yourself in any drama by mistake, pull out immediately and move on. Don’t get stuck there! Come what may, make up your mind to keep making progress.


1. Lord, please let you grace be sufficient for me in any area where I might be .faced with struggles and/or limitations.

2. Father, grant me the wisdom and serenity to stay out of drama today and to correctly handle any form of drama going on around me.

3. Lord, grant me the strength to keep making progress, no matter what may come my way in life.

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