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Daily Tonic || The Storms Of Life (2)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Psalm 93:4 – “The LORD rules supreme in heaven, greater than the roar of the ocean, more powerful than the waves of the sea.”

Yesterday, we established that the Earth is a raging sea, full of violent storms, where great and boisterous winds are blowing; we said that even as believers, we face some contrary winds in form of trials, temptations, persecutions and the likes. Then I began to show you the different way that people respond to the storms of life.

Today, we will consider yet another example – Peter, the Apostle. Matthew 14 records an incident here the Disciples were in the midst of a storm. Suddenly, they saw Jesus, approaching them, walking on the sea, and then the following discussion ensued between Peter and Jesus:

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“Come,” Jesus said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” – (Matthew 14:28-31)

I this account, we see that Peter was walking on the sea at the bid of the master, but when saw the wind boisterous, Bible says “He was afraid; and beginning to sink”.

Peter had a word from the Lord, asking him to walk on water, but even at that, he became afraid when he saw how stormy the sea was. As a result, his faith began to wane; doubt began to rise and he started to drown.

Someone once said that the true definition of fear is, False Evidences Appearing Real! You see, what the devil can get you afraid of is his joker against you.

Beloved, whenever you face storms in life, don’t begin to look at how tough or difficult the situation is, rather keep your focus on the Lord, and on His Word. Don’t give in to fear; don’t give way to doubts. Strengthen your faith – In every high and stormy gale, let your anchor hold within the veil. Assuredly, victory awaits you!


1. I will not be overwhelmed by the storms of life. I will always come out victorious in Jesus Name.

2. In every high and stormy gale, Lord let my anchor hold within the veil.

3. Evermore Lord, increase my faith. My faith will not fail in the day of adversity

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