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Daily Tonic || The Storms Of Life (4)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Psalm 93:4 – “The LORD rules supreme in heaven, greater than the roar of the ocean, more powerful than the waves of the sea.”

We have been on this series for some days now. On the first day we looked at the story of Jonah, and concluded that whenever you face storm in life, your first point of call is to do self-examination. Then, we went on to look at the story of Peter, and concluded that you have to do away with fear and doubts.

Yesterday, we read the story of the disciples, and concluded that when the wind is contrary, it is not time to struggle by our natural abilities.

Moving on today, we will consider yet another example and draw out a valuable lesson on how to handle the storms of life and come out victorious – The story of Paul, the Apostle in Acts 27:7-9

“We moved along slowly for many days. We had trouble getting to Cnidus. The wind did not let us stay on course. So we passed the calmer side of Crete, opposite Salmone. It was not easy to sail along the coast. Then we came to a place called Fair Havens. It was near the town of Lasea. A lot of time had passed. Sailing had already become dangerous.”

In this story, Paul the Apostle was a prisoner. In fact we later read that Paul gave them a warning but the commander did not listen to what Paul said. Instead, he followed the advice of the pilot and the captain.

This is what happens when the anointing is sidelined, or when the words and instructions of an anointed man are rejected – what could otherwise, have been done with ease is achieved with great difficulties; a journey that could otherwise have been swift, becomes protracted… A lot of time passes by and life itself becomes a dangerous sojourn.

You see, everyone in life finds the trials of life heavy, but the anointing has the capacity to make them light. Isaiah 10:26 says, “The burden shall be taken off your shoulder, and the yoke off your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed by the reason of the anointing.

A man of God once said, “If you don’t know what to do, you must know where to go!” Whenever you face a storm, don’t even wait till the time that you don’t know what to do anymore before you get the anointing involved. The best thing is to carry the anointing along in your life.

Don’t try to fight your battles all alone. Personally exercising faith is good, but you must also get the anointing involved. One of the reasons why God has placed His anointing on men, and has placed such men in our lives is so that they can help us navigate successfully and victoriously through the storms of life. Carry them along, and don’t despise their words and instructions.

Remember, “By a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.” (Hosea 12:13)


1. I will not be overwhelmed by the storms of life. I will always come out victorious in Jesus Name.

2. Lord, if there be any way in the past that I have despised your servants of disregarded your anointing. I repent today, and I ask you to please forgive me in Jesus Name.

3. Lord from today, I will not despise the anointing or reject the words and instructions of your servants that you have placed in my life.

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