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Daily Tonic || With One Accord In One Place

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Acts 2:1 – “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.”

Today is another Sunday, and a lot of Christians will be going to Church. Generally, we see Sunday as the day when we gather with other believers to worship God, to learn from His word and to share common godly interests.

From our text today, the Bible tells us that when the first group of disciples gathered, two things described their gathering:

1. They were with one accord

2. They were in one place

Can the same be said of Churches today? Can the same be said of your Church today?

1. They were with one accord

This means that they were united, and in complete agreement with one another. They gathered with one mind, and for the same purpose. This does not mean that every person “agreed” on every opinion or idea. What it means is that every one of them was committed to the same thing(s) – loving God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength; and waiting for the outpouring of the Spirit.

I want you to go to Church today, with the intent to worship God, and to seek His face! I also want you to challenge everyone around you to do the same. One of the marks that distinguish a good church is the fact that different people from completely different back grounds, cultures, age groups, and societal status can come together in unity!

2. They were in one place The world is rapidly advancing in technology, and the body of Christ is taking great privilege of the advancements, so much so that Church services are now streamed live, and people can join the service all around the world! This is good and highly commendable, but it must never replace the physical gathering of believers in one place.

Live-streaming can be a substitute (for example in case of persecution, temporary work schedule, geographical location, handicap etc.), but it can never be a replacement for the physical gathering of believers.

Beloved, don’t stay at home today to watch a sermon on TV; don’t surf through YouTube for a ‘good sermon’; don’t live-stream the service of your favorite Church. Leave your house and go to a Bible-believing Church where you can fellowship with other believers in one place! A full church experience requires flesh-and-blood people to share physical space together.


1. Lord, as I go to Church today for corporate worship and to fellowship with my brethren, touch me specially, speak to me expressly, and build me up in Jesus’ Name.

2. Lord, as I go to Church today, I receive heightened sensitivity to God’s presence, to the move of the Holy Spirit, and to the flow of the anointing.

3. As I go to Church today, Lord Jesus, you will be my priority, focus and driving force in everything I do.



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