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Daily Tonic || Reprobate Minds (2)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Romans 1:28 – “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient”

I told you a story yesterday, and went on to explain the difference between a repentant mind, a remorseful mind, and a reprobate mind.

You see, whenever you come in contact with a reprobate mind, part of your responsibility as a believer who is equipped with truth is to confront their lies and deceptions.

Take for example, the story I told you yesterday; as the pervert anticipated, the fake news garnered so much media attention – within a week, it was shared at least 60,000 times on Facebook! It seems the internet (and by extension, the media) is fast becoming a tool in the hand of the devil to 'impart' the world negatively, daily corrupting the minds of billions.

Bible says, for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. (Luke 16:8).Beloved, we as children of light, in this 'jet age' must begin to take (and for some, keep taking) advantage of the internet and all media platforms to cover the earth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every way we can- on Facebook, on Twitter, on Google+, on Radio, on TV, in books, via Blogs and Websites... I mean in every way we can!

Understand that what these reprobates are pushing for, is to have a gay cartoon hero as the main character (with the same popularity compared with the likes of Avatar, Cinderella, Superman, Batman, Spider-man etc.).

You should not keep quiet and allow reprobate minds to saturate the media, and determine what we, and more importantly, our children are exposed to. We must also make a resolution to rescue the coming generation from perversion and reprobacy- we must get to them before the devil does; we must harness them for God, before the devil hijacks them.

In the course of my ministry, I have ministered to quite a number of teens who admitted to having homosexual affairs, and I bless God for the transformation that happened in their lives, after they were ministered to.

Beloved, these are the days of battle; days to extend the frontiers of the Kingdom; days to fight for the souls of the simple; days to lift high God's standards; days to actively run the devil out of business everywhere we find ourselves... Beloved, these are the days of revival! Can God depend on you?


1. In the midst of perversions all around in this generation. Lord, help me not to be carried away with the tide of evil.

2. Lord, grant me the boldness to extend the frontiers of the Kingdom; to boldly confront lies with truth and fight for the souls of the simple.

3. Lord, I dedicate all my social media platforms to you today. I will not refrain from using them actively to spread the gospel, and the truth of God’s word.



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