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The Painful Death Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Isaac Jammeh

During the earthly ministry of our Lord and Savior; Jesus Christ, Israel was under the Roman Empire.

It was the religious leaders and some elites that took Jesus Christ to Pontius Pilate in order to judge and condemn him. Is impossible to judge someone without charge(s). The charges they have against Jesus Christ were:

1. He loved sinners. 2. He healed on Sabbath. 3. He claimed to be Son of God.

But Pontius Pilate said he found no fault in Jesus Christ but the Israelites forced him to approve the death of Jesus Christ. Before Jesus Christ was condemned to death, he was blindfolded, mocked, insulted, and they spate on him. He was also handed to Roman Soldiers to be mocked and naked him.

In the Jewish laws, you can't beat someone 40 lashes; the maximum lashes is 39. So, was Jesus given 39 slashes? If Jesus was beaten by the Jewish, the maximum lashes he would received was 39. But the Bible says it was the Roman Soldiers that beat him. Since Roman didn't follow the Jewish laws, there can be possibilities that Jesus was beaten more than 39 slashes.

Above is the type of whip that Roman Soldiers used to beat people. A handle that is very comfortable to hold firmly, with sharp metals embedded along the whips. Whenever they beat someone, the whips will go around them, and they will forcefully pull the whips. As they pull whips, the sharp metal embedded in the whips will also pull out flesh. That was what happened our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not only that, he they also forcefully crowned him with thorns.

In those days, for someone to die on the tree mean a curse. Criminals were often hang on trees as a symbol of condemnations. Even though, Pontius Pilate said he found no fault in Jesus Christ, yet he carried his own cross. The cross he was nailed and also where he bled his last drop of blood. An innocent man died like a criminal. Beloved, this is the death our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ went to give us salvation.

When he was with the religious leaders and the Roman Soldiers, all his disciples abandoned him. Not only that, Simon Peter who earlier confessed that Jesus was the Christ also denied him three times. We may not be Simon Peter, but many of us claimed to be Christians but are denying Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior right now.

As we celebrate this Easter, let us remember the pain, suffering, and the death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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