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Daily Tonic || Worthy Is The Lamb (2)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Revelations 5:12 – “Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing”

Yesterday, I started off on the seven things that Jesus died to receive for us. I showed you the first three yesterday – power, riches and wisdom. Today, I will conclude with the other 4:

He was slain to receive strength

To empower us against every dart

To fortify us against the lure of filth

To make us stand boldly for the truth

To enable us fight the good fight of faith

To enjoy the benefits of our new birth

To serve him all our days upon the earth

He was slain to receive Honor

By this, He obtained a reputation

When his glorious name is mentioned

Every knee, by bowing must respond

Every tongue must confess Him as Lord

Yea, of all lords, Christ Jesus is the Lord

He alone is worthy to be adored

He was slain to receive Glory

Glory hid for us since antiquity

Glory which exceeds all beauty

Glory which excels in purity

By his Glory, we obtain sanctity

We call Him the Lord of Glory

For upon Him is laid majesty

He was slain to receive blessing

His blessing is constantly enriching

It has no sorrow accompanying

His blessing is always astounding It births forth joy unending

With it comes divine lifting

By it, we're bound to keep rising

Beloved, the death of Jesus was not the death of an ordinary man. There is a lot of meaning and significance attached to the death of Jesus Christ. Matthew Henry expands on what Christ’s death accomplished in four statements:

1. Full satisfaction for sin

2. Fatal blow to Satan

3. Fountain of grace opened that will flow forever

4. Foundation of peace laid that will last forever

May the significance of the sacrificial atonement of Jesus become tangible realities in your life in Jesus Name.


1. Jesus was slain to receive strength for me, so I refuse to be a weakling. My feeble knees are strengthened in Jesus Name.

2. Jesus was slain to receive honor for me, so I call forth honor into my life today. Jesus will be honored in my life.

3. Jesus was slain to receive Glory for me. So I decree in the Name of Jesus, that my journey from today, will be from glory to Glory .

4. Jesus was slain to receive blessing for me. I am blessed beyond the curse in Jesus Name.

Image Credit: christsfaithfulwitness


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