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What Do You Cherish Most?

Isaac Jammeh

We run after the riches and luxuries of this world. And some of us find comfort and glory in ourselves because we feel too beautiful or handsome.

Beloved, I'm asking you to pause for a minute and look at the ground you are standing. This to remind you, that ground is dust that is mixed with the remains of people just like you. This ground you are stand on to fulfill your desires and aspirations, or this flesh of yours you care so much about will one day be a carpet for someone to walk on. Again beloved, those bodies, six packs, riches, and materials we are dying for daily to get, are not eternal. These things will also return the dust of the ground, but your very self (spirit and soul) goes to eternal homes.

As human beings, we should be more focused on the eternal homes of our souls and spirits, but sadly we focus on the parts that will soon return to the dust of the ground. Hell is very real, and once you are in, there's no more grace or mercy for you, you will be alive and be burning without any hope of salvation. There's no return, you will be in eternal tormenting and suffering in conscious state. Hell fire cannot be compared to the fire in that furnace (which even the flame can kill) where the three young Hebrew boys were casted into, in the Book of Daniel. Because of that eternal tormenting, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ doesn't want anyone to be condemned, that's why he asked you the questions below:

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:36‭-‬37 KJV

Beloved, there's no one in the history or right now who is more concerned about our salvation more than Jesus Christ. Not only was he concerned, but he also gave his very life for us to have Eternal lives.

More than 90% of people reading this have no assurances of their salvation. When you ask them about their salvation, the most common answers you will get, "I don't know or only God knows". Beloved, God wants you to know where you will spend your eternity before you die.

There was a rich farmer who made great harvest, filled his barns, and said to himself, " eat, relax, sleep, and have fun for there are long years ahead". But God told him, " you fool, this very night your life will be demanded from you". Beloved, you don't have to be like that foolsh rich farmer, or let your beauty deceive you, don't let your age deceive you, don't let your location deceive you, don't let your qualifications deceive you, and don't let your bank account fool you to the point that you forget about eternal life.

Beloved, what do you fancy and cherish more than the salvation of your soul? Or how sure is your salvation to you? No one can answer these questions for you, other than yourself. If you don't know or you are not sure of, you can know it, and be sure of it right now by asking God to forgive your sins in Jesus Christ name, and let Jesus Christ come into your life, and be your Lord and Savior, and fill you with His Holy Spirit.

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