Text – Ephesians 2:13 – “But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ”
Today, we will wrap up our series on Intimacy with God. We have learnt that Intimacy is a detailed knowledge of someone resulting from a close personal relationship with the person.
I told us when we started this series that intimacy has two major components – Close personal relationship and detailed knowledge. We have spent the past few days talking about how to build a close personal relationship with God. Today we will talk about how to have a detailed knowledge of God.
Romans 1:21 says, “Yes, they knew about him all right, but they wouldn’t admit it or worship him or even thank him for all his daily care. And after a while they began to think up silly ideas of what God was like and what he wanted them to do. The result was that their foolish minds became dark and confused”
According to the portion of scripture quoted above, the writer implies that humans have always known true things about God (limited things, but still true things) but the problem is that we refused to honor and treasure those things we know about Him.
For example: If you are anxious today. It may not be because you don’t know that God is a good provider; it’s probably because you don’t see fit to acknowledge Him as provider in your current situation. Summarily, this means we know a lot of things about God, but mostly do not acknowledge those things in a deep rational sense.
If we reduce knowing God (in a deep relational sense) to knowing things about God, then we’re going to find ourselves producing disciples that look like demons – who have perfect knowledge of God but refuse to treasure Him.
Knowing things about God is part of it, because you cannot worship and follow an unknown God. You cannot trust true things about God if you don’t know true things about God.
However, beyond knowing things about God, you must lock God’s truth away in your heart and eat His Word because that is the only way to truly come to terms with and acknowledge the truth of who He is.
But it still doesn’t stop there; knowing God is not just what we know about God, and what we bear in our hearts, it also entails how we respond to what we know about God. Knowing God in a deep rational sense is treasuring what we know about God, being hungry for more of Him, not as an academic pursuit, or mere religious interest, but as a person who can be known.
1. Lord, I desire to know you more!
2. Lord, I ask for your enabling grace to truly come to terms with, and acknowledge the truth of You are.
3. Lord, I ask you to please help me to respond correctly to what I know about you; to treasure what I know about you, and to continually hunger for more of You.
Image Credit:crustore.org