Text- Mark 4:16-17 “Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.”
Yesterday, when we began discussing this topic, I mentioned to you that there are about four stages of progression in solidifying our commitments and building a strong root that cannot be shaken; and we talked about the first stage, credulity.
Today, we will discuss the next stage after credulity – The stage of curiosity.
2. CURIOSITY Curiosity is a quality related to inquisitive thinking such as searching, investigation, and learning. The stage of curiosity is when you begin to ask valid questions about what you have believed by credulity. This is usually the stage of entry for some people, who were not Christians (or serious Christians) by credulity.
This is the stage where a person begins to search the scriptures, investigate truth and learn doctrine. These three things are inevitable as we continue in our journey through life as Christians; in fact, we must do them continuously.
Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:15, “I therefore admonish you today beloved to study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
I know you must have heard that common proverb, “Curiosity killed the cat”. Truly, curiosity can sometimes make people try out dangerous stuffs (e.g. smoking some weed to see how it feels to get high), but then “curiosity killed the cat” is sometimes used to scare people away from asking relevant questions.
The onset of the stage of curiosity in a child starts when the child begins to ask questions like, “why does Daddy not wear skirts”, “who gave birth to God” etc. Unfortunately most parents silence the child, or fail to give a good and understandable answer, and thus keep the child stunted at the stage of credulity until life begins to ask him tough questions and he falls away.
You see, the Bible contains a treasure trove of information and doctrine that is vital to life and godliness, packed for you to discover through searching through its pages, investigating the truth contained in it and learning the doctrines taught by it.
Rod Pauls of IVCF said “When we come to the Scriptures with open hearts and open minds, curiosity is what enables us to look deeply into the text and to see all that we can see. Curiosity is what keeps us looking for the ‘clues’ that will lead us to a correct understanding of the author’s intended meaning”
Well, Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it is absolutely necessary for a sustainable Christian life. We need it to deepen our roots in Christ.
1. Lord, please help me to take roots deep in my walk with you so that I will not fall away when troubles and persecutions arise.
2. I make a commitment today to search the scriptures, investigate the truth contained in it and learn the doctrines taught by it.
3. Lord Jesus, please grant me the grace to maintain an open heart and mind whenever I come to scriptures.
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