Teaching and preaching the compromised Word of God (the Bible) in the world is getting common among some churches, which is very wrong and sinful.
The church should be true to God and His word, if not, we will raise up generation of so-called Christians; generation that will not know what sin is, generation that will not accept that Jesus Christ is the only way to God, and a generation of "half Christians".
Church leaders (pastors, fathers, and priest's) encourage their members to marry to non-Christians and even bless such marriage covenants. The sad thing is, one part of such marriages is done in church and the other part in a mosque or somewhere. God cannot be mocked!
It is not only about marriage, but the hell of wrong sex (fornication and adultery) and decent dress codes should be addressed in churches.
Some scholars even believe that one of reasons why Paul asked the women in Corinth to cover their head was because, in ancient Corinth, prostitutes don't cover their heads. What Paul asked from Corinth women was to be different from those prostitutes outside the church, but not something that Christians should cover their heads like in other faiths. Peter too also mentioned that the women should be outward and inward beautiful. We need to preach morals and bring it back to the church.
To be honest with you, if you claim to be a Christian and you are married to a non-Christian in church or outside of church, your marriage is not sanctified by God. Even if the non-Christian promises not disturb the practice of your faith as a Christian during your marriage, it is still wrong to go into such marriages.
These compromised messages coming from church leaders are unbiblical and God is bitter about it. So, preach the Gospel in its fullness or quit preaching! As much as He loves you, this God of the Bible is not coaxing anyone to accept him. He only set before you life and death, and you have a must-choice to choose one.
Image Credit: preachthewordatheartland.com