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Daily Tonic || Son, Give Me Your Heart (2)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Updated: Jul 5, 2020

Text- Proverbs 23:26- “My son, give me thine heart and let thine eyes observe my ways.”

Without doubts, God wants us to willingly give all of our heart to Him. We saw yesterday that the heart is one of the three components of the soul. It is made up of man’s emotions and reasoning. Your heart is where your emotions and your reasoning emanate from.

This is how your life is run as a typical man:

- Your senses feed your mind (your memory bank) - Your mind affects your heart (your emotion and reasoning) - Your heart influences and controls your behavior and beliefs - Your behavior and beliefs impress on your will (choices and decisions) - Your will charts the course of your life

From this explanation, we can say that your soul is the central processing unit (CPU) of your life, whereas your heart is the Operating System (OS). That is why God is saying, “Son, give me your heart”.

God is asking for permission to be the one in charge of your ‘Operating System’. He is saying “Let me chart the course of your life before the devil shatters it”. He is saying, “Let me harness your for destiny before the devil hijacks you away from destiny”.

When the OS of a system is hijacked by a virus, they say three things can happen:

- Slow performance - Files are truncated - The system crashes

Similarly, when anything other than God takes over a man’s heart, three things can happen:

- Slow performance in destiny - The future is truncated - The life crashes

In short, whatever you give your heart to directs the course and determines the outcomes of your life. The issue with the heart is that if you don’t consciously give and continuously yield your heart to God, the devil will hijack it from you.

Jim Elliot once said, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose"... Give your heart to God and be totally sold out to Him. That is the only way you can keep it!


Lord, I give my heart to you. Please chart the course of my life according to your will and let my life yield beautiful outcomes in Jesus Name.

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