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Beware of Pride

Pst. Alex Jatta

Proverbs 16:18. "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

The Word of God clearly instructs us to guard our hearts with all diligence because out of it are the issues of life. That means when the heart is not guarded there comes in danger. And one of the things we need to protect our heart against is PRIDE.

What is pride?

1) It is the feeling or belief that you're better or more important than others; showing yourself above others.

2) It is an overweening [showing too much confident] estimate of your means, merits, possession, achievements, etc.

3) It is the art of despising others and even treating them with contempt (disrespect).

Our opening Scripture reveals to us the result of pride- DESTRUCTION. Pride has destroyed many people. Pride was what destroyed Satan [then called Lucifer]. This glorious angel of God with a great office became an archenemy of God because of pride. And he got cast down from heaven to earth waiting to be cast into hell and then the lake of fire. Lucifer who was always in the presence of God got invaded by pride and he began to exalt himself beyond his God-ordained rank (Ezekiel 28:11-17; Isaiah 14:12-14). Make up your spirit soul and body to walk in humility; never come to a place where you accept the temptation that you're better than others.

James 4:6. "But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." We saw the scripture that tells us that pride goes before destruction (Proverbs 16:18).We are going to look at the characteristics of pride. This is vital because it only takes the Spirit of God for you to detect pride.

Some of the characteristics are as follows:

1. Pride doesn't take correction or rebuke.

The Word of is given to us for teaching, CORRECTION and REPROOF (REBUKE) and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). But there are believers who never accept to be corrected or rebuked when they are wrong. And that is a character of pride. You should take correction and rebuke from your seniors and be humble to accept them for your own good.

2) Pride is unteachable:

There are people who never want to be taught. They find it difficult to sit under someone to learn God's Word. They have come to a place where they believe that they know it all. Even when they sit and learn, they have a lot of arguments within them concerning what is taught. They believe that what they know is all there is. The Bible says that fools hate knowledge and learning (Proverbs 1:12). Proud people are fools and don't know that.

3) Pride despises order and authority:

There are other people who love to act just against what has been passed into law by authority, especially in the Church_ these are Church rebels. They can come very late to Church and won't like to be ushered to a place to sit. When they are ushered in, they will always sit at a place of their choice regardless of what the pastors have said. Such people are unruly. They are people who deviate from the prescribed order (1 Thessalonians 5:12). Submit yourself to God's Word for your own salvation.

4) Pride despises and disrespects others.

Disrespect is not just anchored on the way you act towards others, but also on the way you THINK towards them. There are are people who would call you with a great title but in their minds they saying "you fool, good for nothing!" Let your actions and thoughts towards others be respect oriented.

5) Pride magnifies self.

This was the exact thing that happened to King Nebuchadnezzar of great Babylon. Pride penetrated his heart due to his achievements. And that pride brought heaven's judgment upon him and he was turned to a beast, eating grass (Daniel 4:28-33). That was the only time the Bible told us of a man created in God's image and likeness who was turned to a beast. Why? Pride. The king couldn't see his achievements as coming from God. To him, he did it, and not God. Be careful of achievements!

6). Pride doesn't love or appreciate others.

The Bible tells us that love is not proud (1 Corinthians 13:4). When pride comes in, you don't see any other person who deserves good other than you. How could you think like this? This is the reason why many people aren't happy with the success of others. They think as long as they don't have it, no one else can. That is evil. Don't be selfish. You're not the only person on the earth.

7). Pride is selfish (greedy, self-centered).

This was what Satan demonstrated before his fall. All that he ever desired was for himself and himself alone. He even desired a rank which God didn't give him. And he lost everything (Isaiah 14:12-15).

You don't need to have all the characteristics of pride to become proud, no. Only one makes you proud. Let the love of God inundate your mind and heart. Amen!

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