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Jesus, the Door to Heaven

Simon P Mendy

"I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, shall go in and out, and find pasture." -John 10:9

In reality or as a general rule, it is practically impossible for one to have an access in a room without going through a door. Yet, it is very painful, and a sort of grief before the sight of God because millions of people that deny Jesus as their Saviour still want to go to heaven! how can that work? Can you anticipate a harvest that you have not planted? Again, can a Man enter into a room without going through the door? Practically, this is impossible!

In the above mentioned scripture, Jesus says: "I am the door..." So for one to go to heaven, one has to pass through the Door and that Door is JESUS! No wonder Jesus himself says, "nobody can go to the Father in heaven except he passes through me". So my dear friends, if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour, then it is high time to deeply cogitate on these words, they are His Words, they are real and give life.

"I am the door..." We all know that one cannot enter a room without utilizing the entryway. Here Jesus compared Himself with a door, so let us know that without Jesus, no one is guaranteed entry into Heaven.

Many believe that with their good deeds, they will be able to make heaven, this obviously is circled out from the hover of the truth. Now let us activate our thinking capacity, how can a man avert using the door and still want to enter into the room? This is crazy! Yet, the true fact is in the manner in which God views people who deny Jesus. For those people, God likens them to a crazy man who wants to enter a room and instead of using the door, he was pushes against the wall to enter. What a hard struggle with an invalid outcome! False religious doctrines have incarcerated millions in not seeking the knowledge of the truth, rather, they are simply compelled to do what they don't have a knowledge about, however, simply doing it for the sake of religion.

Today, I beseech you to come out from this mentality and make use of your brain by asking yourself questions upon questions of what you are doing. It is not sinful to do so, in fact it is God's will for us to seek for knowledge. But in contrary, it is Satan that hinders us from seeking knowledge; this is because he knows that if we seek for knowledge, the truth will be revealed. So for this reason, he always ties people up with religious rules and regulations to be constantly obeyed without permitting them to deeply question themselves. But with God it is not like that! Jesus in His Words says: "Search the Scripture....." while Satan will say "follow what other's do even if you don't have an understanding of it" This is the evidence of what we are seeing happening around us, whereas thousands of people are doing the same practice repeatedly every given time and a day which looks tedious before God. In reality, God is like a man that has feelings and some things can turn out to be exhausting to a Man likewise with God. What God wants is a relationship for Him to teach us how to commune with Him and not those repetitious and tedious practices that won't build a relationship but an abomination before Him.

For instance, let's take an example of ourselves, lets say you know someone but don't have a relationship or associate with the person and every time you come before that person,you keep repeating the same words and certain actions.How do you think the person will feel? To be frank, the person will feel bad because the practice is offensive and monotonous to him and so also with God!!

So please, make up your mind to think genuinely and purely while you pass through Jesus (The Door) so God can help you to know Him deeply, while you worship Him in spirit and in truth and not in a religious ways.

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