Text- Deuteronomy 7:9 – “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations”
In mentioned yesterday that we live in a broken world where we can only see divine realities through a glass darkly – like a blurred reflection in a mirror. So then, we may face situations that raise questions in our heart about God’s faithfulness.
Countless time, I have heard people query God in prayer; “God, where is your face?” “God, are you asleep?” “God, will you watch me suffer?” and so on. All of these questions usually rise out of doubts about God’s faithfulness.
Technically, it is not wrong or sinful to ask these questions, but it’s more profiting if we settle the questions once and for all and begin to approach life with an assurance of God’s faithfulness.
Years ago, I watched a play that showed a father asking his son to jump down from the roof of a building. The boy was afraid to jump, so he hesitated. But then, his father assured him that he was going to catch him. This convinced the boy to jump.
As the young boy, who looked like a ten year old, leapt into the air, the father withdrew. It was too late for the boy to change him mind. He landed on the floor and began to cry. Then, his father said to him “I have just thought you an important lesson in life. Don’t ever trust anybody in this life, not even me your father. The only person you can trust is yourself. Don’t ever ever forget this”
Unfortunately, many people relate with their own heavenly Father as if He took them to the rooftop one day and also taught them this “important lesson”. On the contrary, when we scan through the Bible, we see a different kind of lesson entirely.
The Bible tells us to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). The reason why you can trust in God with all our heart is because “the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations”
We can find testimonies upon testimonies of God’s faithfulness scattered throughout the Bible. Even today, testimony after testimony is still being given by people who have experienced God’s faithfulness.
One great example of God’s faithfulness that we see today is the Jewish nation. God made a covenant with Abraham to give him and his descendants a promised land, and He has remained faithful to that promise through a time span of approximately 4,000 years.
God promised that though the Jews would be scattered round the world, they would return to their promised land and would again become a nation in the land He promised to Abraham. This is happening right before our eyes today!
If God remains faithful to a promise He made 4,000 years ago. How can you think He has forgotten his promise concerning you?
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? – Num. 23:19
Dearly beloved, our God is a faithful God and you can surely count on Him. He has never failed anyone, and He is not about to start with you.
Father, I grasp tightly to your faithfulness today. I ask that you help me to come to a full realization of your faithfulness in Jesus Name.
Image Credit: joshuageneration.org