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Daily Tonic || Steadfast Love

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Lamentations 3:22 – “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end”

With Joy in my heart, I welcome you to the second half of this year. I pray that your joy will be perfected in this second half. There will be divine recovery and restoration of anything you have lost in the first half. You are blessed in Jesus Name.

As we progress in this year, I feel there is a great need for us to remain assured of God’s unfailing love for us. Truly, there may be times that we seem to have reasons to doubt and query whether God really does love us or whether He still does.

Situations like this are bound to arise in this broken world, where we can only see divine realities through a glass darkly – like a blurred reflection in a mirror. But I want to assure you today, that God loves you, and that His love for you is steadfast.

You see, we live in a generation where the word “love” has been grossly abused, misunderstood and misapplied by many. These days you find people that fall in “love” with their cat, and call chocolates the “love” of their lives. Do people even know what love is anymore?

When you like something or someone, there is always a ‘BECAUSE’, so you can like your cat because it’s cute, and you can like chocolates because they’re sweet. But when you love someone or something, it is ‘DESPITE’, so you love your children despite their stubbornness, and God loves you despite your flaws.

Today’s text tells us not only that God loves us, but also that His love is steadfast. Love itself is very hard to explain within the confines of available words, but it becomes more difficult to explain when you prefix it with “steadfast”

Steadfast love is the kind of love that only God can give. It is an unwavering love! It is a unique kind of love that combines elements of graciousness and faithfulness.

No matter how much you love someone, when they mess up, your love wavers, but then you find it in your heart to forgive them and overlook their mistakes. That’s very impressive, but God’s love is not like that… His love is STEADFAST; a love that never wavers, never changes, never fades, never fails, never falters, always faithful, ever enduring, and always true!

This is the kind of love that led Jesus to the cross on our behalves. This love remains steadfast till date; God is still faithful in His love for us, even to this today.

I want to admonish you to grasp tightly to God’s steadfast love no matter what mistakes you have made in the first half of this year, and regardless of whatever is going on around you today. Circumstances will come and go, but God’s love remains steadfast. Whether you find yourself on the mountain top or in the valley, remember that God’s love is abiding, enduring, and ever present.


Father, I grasp tightly to your steadfast love today. I ask that you help me to come to a full realization of your steadfast love for me in Jesus Name.


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