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Daily Tonic || When we Pray (2)

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- James 5:16 – “The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]”

I like to say that the world of prayer is another world entirely. Great miracles have happened through the instrumentality of prayer. Yesterday, we established how our prayers release angels on assignment. Today, I want to show you another thing that happens when we pray.

We read about the early believers in Acts 4. When they were threatened by the powers that be, they gathered together to pray. Verse 31 of that chapter tells us that “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken.”

You see, the prayer of a righteous man changes the atmosphere. Be it the atmosphere in your house, on your street, in your city, or even in the entire nation… you can alter the atmosphere by praying.

“Atmosphere” refers to the spiritual climate of a place. It is the sum total of the surrounding conditions and circumstances affecting occurrences, growth or development in a given territory.

You see, the spiritual atmosphere in a place, region or territory is what creates the conditions for certain spiritual manifestations to happen – whether good or evil. What prayer does is that it changes the atmosphere, and tunes it to the right conditioning for supernatural manifestations of the power of God.

That is why certain places, like the Church, Prayer Rooms, Prayer Mountains etc. seem to be places of guaranteed spiritual encounters because the atmosphere there has been conditioned for supernatural manifestations through prayer.

This was how John Knox tilted the atmosphere of Scotland to the edge of revival. He would go on his knees and pray passionately over the nation. He often cried out “Lord, give me Scotland or I die!”

How does prayer change the atmosphere? When you pray, you are establishing communication with heaven. This communication creates an atmosphere for God’s presence, and in such an atmosphere, anything can happen! All things are possible!

As you go to Church today, I want you to go with that understanding that you are stepping into an atmosphere for miracles; a place of divine encounters; a place where God’s divine presence and power will be manifested.

Beyond that, I want you to take responsibility over your house, your school, your street, your city or even your nation. Pray over that place or region until the atmosphere changes!


Father, pour upon me the spirit of grace and supplications. Help me to wholly trust in you as you produce wonderful results through my prayers in Jesus Name.


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