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  • Isaac Jammeh

The True Light

The truth is that light is shining in the world to set man free from the sin of adultery,lies, fornication,idolatry, stealing, killing or murder,hate, insecurity, uncertainty, jealousy, covetous, pride, and drunkenness, yet man chooses to remain in darkness for the fear of being exposed when He comes to the light.

Jesus Christ said "I am the Light of the world", John 9:5. This means without Jesus, there is no life and hope for man.

Today men and women reject Jesus Christ because they don't want to be exposed by light of God; which is Jesus Christ. Satan is always talking and advising men and women to reject Jesus Christ, because coming to him they will be exposed. Today, reject that devilish voice because he wants you to remain in his dark cage. In that dark cage, is death (eternal separation from God).

If you ask many today about the certainty of their hopes from their hopeless conditions, or about the salvation of their souls, most people will tell you "I don't know",

Yes, you maybe separated from God because of your sins, but yet He loves you. You may be distant from God, but yet he wants you back. You may have the fear of being exposed when you come to God, but I want to tell you that God will not hold your past against you.

Today, come to God in the name of Jesus Christ, He will accept you as his dearly loved son or daughter. In Jesus Christ, you will also be the light of your family, community, or even your nation.

Blessed day to you.

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