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Daily Tonic || Don’t Settle for Less

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Philippians 3:13 "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before”

Through the years, I have met a lot of people who have settled for less than what they had the potential to become. Somewhere somehow, they just became content with their current circumstances and began to live a complacent life. They either felt stranded and helpless or they just settled for what they assumed to be adequate or satisfactory.

One of the signs that someone has settled for less is that they rarely exert themselves or put in any meaningful effort or work towards becoming better, excellent or outstanding.

In the process of time, such a person may begin to feel threatened by challenges to achieve, have, or experience more than what is their current reality.

The danger of settling too soon in life is that you end up turning your back on the future and refuse to ask for more, hope for more, go for more, and work for more.

In this journey of life, you can’t afford to power down or settle too soon; like Paul the Apostle, you must constantly reach out for the things which are ahead. Set goals and work towards achieving them. Don’t let your current become prevent you from pursuing a greater tomorrow. No matter how much success you have achieved in life, there is still room for more! Go and get more degrees, gain more knowledge, make more money, press for more anointing, plant more churches, write more books… whatever “MORE” is for you, go ahead and do it!

Don’t let your failures also become deterrent to your pursuit of a greater future. No matter how helpless the situation feels, the future holds better things. You’re not done just yet; with Jesus on your side, you can as much as rewrite your history, and change the course of your future. No matter what has gone on in your life up until this moment, don’t settle yet!

You must constantly be on the move… Move on from your past glories; move on from your mistakes and regrets; move on from your hurts and disappointments; move on from all struggles and limitations; move on from your present success; move on from all the drama going on around you… forget those things which are behind, and reach forth unto those things which are ahead.


Lord, help me to forget things which are behind, and reach forth for the greater things ahead. I will not settle for less than you have ordained for my life in Jesus Name.

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