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You are the Architect of Your Own Life

Isaac Jammeh

Many times we blame others for our failures and stagnation, but little do we know that we ourselves are the architects of our own destinies.

So many times we declare negative confessions in our own lives. I know of someone who called himself "Suffer!" I believe you too may have heard of a similar name(s).

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Proverbs 18:21 KJV

The very words that come from our mouths are paths we journey on in this life. Also we should be very mindful of the jackets or shirts we wear. Negative words will always lead you to negative paths, and those negative words are what people will always see on you.

As a Christian, always use the Word of God to bless your own life, and that of others.

Yes, you may be sick, broke, barren, but instead of confessing your situations, begin to say, "I am healthy, I am blessed, I am prosperous, I am a success, in Jesus Christ name."

The positive confessions you declare over your own life, will come to pass in the name of Jesus Christ.

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