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Daily Tonic || He is There With Us!

Rev. Temilolu Aliu

Text- Matthew 18:20 – “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

When we consider the careless approach and attitude with which many go to Church these days, we cannot but wonder if people are really conscious of the fact that they are approaching the presence of God, and if they realize that God Himself in all His might and awesomeness is there with them.

As we see in our text, Jesus promised that wherever there is a gathering of believers in His name, His presence will be there with them… But with the infiltration of comedy on the pulpits of many Churches today, and with all sorts of worldly inclusions in the worship service, do we really believe this promise?

It actually seems as if some people go to Church these days with the intention to pridefully amuse and entertain God; rather than to fellowship with him and to approach Him with humility and reverence.

We can take a cue from what God said through the prophet in Malachi 1:6:

“A son honors his father and a slave his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me?” says the Lord Almighty.”

Beloved, starting from today, don’t approach Church carelessly anymore. Go, fully conscious of the fact that you are going into the presence of God; approach Church with a sense of honor and reverence to God.

Don’t go to Church as if you are going to an entertainment agency. The church is simply not a show put on for the benefit of the congregation. Everyone has come together to fellowship with one another, and with God. That mindset must be kept and maintained before and most especially, during the Church service.

You see, if we indeed believe that our going to Church is to meet and fellowship with the Lord, we will dress appropriately to Church and behave ourselves well.

I mean, who on earth would go into the presence of a king without being appropriately dressed, and well mannered?

How prepared are you to meet the King of Kings today? It’s not too late to start preparing now… Repent of every known sin, have great expectations backed up with faith, prepare your offering ahead, pay attention to instructions, deal with offences, and most importantly, pray ahead.

Don’t forget to dress well also, and maintain the right mindset. Happy Sunday!


Lord, I repent of every wrong approach or attitude with which I have approached Church in time past. I ask for grace to keep and sustain the right mindset towards Church from today in Jesus Name.

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