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  • Isaac Jammeh

Your Storms Can Be Over

Not every storm is forecast; so in our lives too, there will be unexpected issues.

The Bible reminds us to; remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; Ecclesiastes 12:1 KJV.

The scriptures doesn't say remember tomorrow, but now your Creator in the days of your youth.

Secondly, your youth days are when you have the power, the energy, and the movement to secure and protect your tomorrows.

Yes, we can't forecast every weather happening or going to happen in our lives, but God can.

For this reason, let us remember and return to our God who knows and can control and calm down every storm.

Lord Jesus Christ has calmed down storms, and he can still do it today in your life so that your tomorrow can be beautiful. Your storms will be calmed down to perfect peace in Jesus Christ name, Amen!.

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