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Tithing and Offering

Isaac Jammeh

Many believe that we are not under the Law, but Grace and because of this, some people have come to likewise believe that tithing is wrong or something not compulsory. If you claim that we are not under the Law, then tithing is wrong, and is a hypocrisy to collect tithes or ask people to pay tithes, because tithing was there during the dispensation of Law.

Tithing is different from offering, and also is not a gift or our giving to the poor, but a command from God. Offering is the extra you pay or give at your own will, and it is not a command. From your income, God demands 10% as a tithe, but for offerings, you can give as you wish.

There is no single place in the Bible, where Jesus Christ asked us not to pay our tithes. Yes, He spoke about clothing the naked, feeding the hungry and giving to poor yet one thing we have to understand here, Jesus Christ was talking about our givings and not our tithes. So, you giving to the needy doesn't mean that you have paid your tithe because it has nothing to do with your tithe.

As I said, the Law is still valid in this dispensation of Grace. Because of the Law, we now know what sin is, and because of sin, God saved us by Grace. If God commanded us to pay tithes in the Old Testament days, He is still commanding us to still do it now because the Law is still valid. Remember, Jesus Christ said in Matthew 5:17 that He never came to end the Law, or the words of the prophets. Secondly, He said not a dot will be by no means removed from the Law till all be fulfilled.

I know some preachers have taken tithing as prey on their followers, but this should not make you disobey God. If you disobey this command of paying tithes, God says, you are robbing Him.

You are free to obey or disobey, but one thing is clear, robbers will never inherit the Kingdom of God.

Malachi 3:8-9

"8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.

9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation."

I know I'm guilty of this tithe things, and maybe you too, but there is a grace period to repent and correct it.

I urge you to be obedient and pay your tithes, God bless you.

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